Lost in Space
Lost in Space
TV-PG | 15 September 1965 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
    Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
    Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
    Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
    gsfsu The show looked exactly like a Saturday morning kid's feature done by a tiny TV station in Jasper Junction, IA. The sets, stories and costumes could have easily been manufactured by several classes of 3rd graders for extra credit. I really cannot understand how any person over the age of 5 could sit through a single episode and certainly cannot understand how an actor could get through a taping without breaking into a suicide laugh.
    John T. Ryan IN RECYCLING THE plot of the classic SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON, there were two claimants in the 1960s. In the arena of television, we had this Irwin Allen creation of LOST IN SPACE which ran from 1965-68. A year earlier, Western Publishing's Gold Key line of Comic Books published a title called SPACE FAMILY ROBINSON.NATURALLY A LEGAL BATTLE resulted which was short term. Irwin Allen, 20th Century-Fox and CBS did make a ca$h accommodation with Western and the comic book's title was permitted to change to SPACE FAMILY ROBINSON-LOST IN SPACE; which resulted in a boo$t in the title's $ale$.OUR RECOLLECTIONS OF the series are ones of a sort of a modern day (or futuristic) epic story of more similarity to the Fairy Tale than to Sci Fi. The characters' interaction seems to win out over plots and stories. Many an episode compares favorably with so many family oriented sitcoms.THE INCLUSION OF Dr. Smith was the sleeper and unexpected main character of the series. in that capacity, his was another in the long line of supporting characters who "overachieved" and changed the course of the series in which they appeared. The characters & their series included: Kingfish in AMOS & ANDY, Fonzie in HAPY DAYS and Urkel in FAMILY MATTERS.ANOTHER VIEW MAY very well have us classify this as a sort of an extra terrestrial soap opera. Judging by the continuities of their interconnected stories. That may be right.
    daynlarz This was one of the dumbest sci-fi shows. When the Lost in Space debuted in the 60's I eagerly waited for each show. As it progress the shows lack of writing talent made each episode inane and I quickly lost interest in it. Thank goodness Star Trek came along. The episodes disintegrated in nonsensical stories of regurgitated fairy tales, fake-stupid looking monsters and women actors who did stupid things and could not defend themselves. The show became dominated by the antics of Will, Dr. Smith and the robot. If Dr. Robinson and Don had given Dr. Smith a good right across the jaw it would have enhanced the show greatly because that's what we all wanted to do! On the side there was Penny much like 'Elly May' and her critters which added nothing and the undeveloped romance between Major West and Judy. Lost in Space had potential but became a comical circus show.
    stumpmee77 I was three when it first premiered hence I vividly remember seasons 2 and 3 in its original run. Favorite out those later years the Anti-matter Man (yr#3) and the ladies caught in the cross-fire of a conflict between two aliens (yr#2). Sadly I forgot the name of the later.I saw season 1 much later (for some reason it's rarely shown when I catch it in syndication)--It's an entirely different atmosphere. The family is not looking to get back home as much as surviving where they're living. That first planet was not explored in depth I say after the first half dozen episodes. Thereafter it was aliens, advanced machinery and their robot growing sassy (towards Smith) and lovable. Smith was a monster in yr#1--and changing him to...Just before yr #2 he appeared to have a mental breakdown of a sort after seeing one too many ugly aliens. That's when the show jumped the shark; Smith transformed into that.But throughout the series all three years the family were a family. The cast was selected well, not only acting as a close loving unit but the Robinson kids looked like brother and sister. And here too, treatment of a plot aspect sank...Will got too much exposure whereas Judy had virtually none. And Will and Penny were teens--kiddie stories fit their age group. But what killed it was the over-the-top whimsy of year three--Too many reworked fairy stories and kookiness--Absolute worse being the human carrot. For all its flaws I rank #2 in liking those 1960's Irwin Allen programs.