TV-PG | 21 September 1968 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    ShangLuda Admirable film.
    Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
    Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
    Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
    RepublicofE This show, like its predecessor Dragnet, was produced at a time when the LAPD was facing a lot of criticism for racism and police brutality. It seems one of the goals of these shows was to "correct" these impressions of the LAPD and American law enforcement in general. Well the show does it well. Episodes tackle issues such as protest against the Vietnam war, black people who mistrust the police, cops who object to having to Mirandize suspects, etc. And what's more, though this portrayal of the LAPD does seem a little whitewashed, the LAPD officers (except the main cast of course) aren't even always portrayed as being completely in the right. Dirty cops are an issue that the series doesn't completely dodge, for example.Unlike Dragnet and many other cop shows, most episodes feature several different incidents that the police have to respond to. and even though a lot of them are quite mundane with no action or gun fights, the show still manages to make the mundane life of two LAPD officers seem interesting.
    The_Light_Triton in the 1960's, television witnessed a huge jump in entertainment. many different shows came and went, and each had a specific Theme. Police Shows Dominated, because they had one man writing them...Jack Webb. a former police officer himself, Jack Webb created 2 shows which forever keep a place in viewer's hearts...Dragnet and Adam-12. Adam-12 is one of my favorite shows personally, and despite the fact the episodes took place in the late 60s and early 70s, it shows the many situations police face every day. even today many things that happen, happened in 1968. whether it was a sniper on the roof who was high on drugs, or a naked lady on a public beach in LA, The Adam-12 unit was there to deal with it, with the best police training of the day.Officer Pete malloy is a cop with many years experience (according to one episode from 1968, he claims to have spent 7 years in the force.) he's taken on a role with Officer Jim reed, a brand new cop that still smells like the academy, and that role is to serve and protect the Citizens of Los Angeles, California. along the way, they deal with many situations, like a 12 year old vandal, a pair of cop-hating friends, child molesters, and even a fellow cop who loves action more than serving the community.This show should still be on television with reruns. it shows a father figure in malloy, a superior police officer who takes reed, a younger, less experienced one underneath his wing and trains him, much like a Jedi master and his apprentice. We don't have father figure characters like that anymore.And we also seem to don't have those kind of police officers anymore. or so the media tells us.9/10
    mosher_n Having grown up watching Adam-12 with my Father (an LAPD officer at the time the show aired) and also having known Martin Millner (one hell of a stand up guy and very normal person) my view may be a bit biased. I do believe I would feel much the same not having any ties to the show however. They managed to pack 30 minutes with the most real police action (stories based on actual cases, names changed to protect the innocent:), everything from hysterical house wives to shoot outs. This is what Police Officers encounter on a daily basis. It is a roller coaster ride to be sure! It is so nice to be able to watch this show again on DVD, I have them all :) Todays shows are a real drag, so similar, like they used a cookie cutter. Adam-12 is a look back at a somewhat simpler time. Things were more black and white then. Today there is a lot of gray area and we are faced with the ever growing problem of feral youth. I think the late 60's is when we started our slide into what we face today. I find myself watching a lot of Adam-12 and Bob Newhart lately. Too bad we can not turn back the hands of time. Maybe shows like Adam-12 allow us to feel like we have if for only 30 minutes at a time...
    stargazer24 I just wanted to say that this is definitely the best cop show ever to grace the airwaves. There are so few shows out there that focus on uniformed cops that it's nice to see something showcase the men (and women) that bust their butts protecting us common folks. I also like the "very little about their personal lives" approach. This is a cop show, so show us cops on duty. So many of today's cop shows care more about who's sleeping with who than the actually job of fighting crime. I want to thank Martin Milner and Kent McCord *not that they'd read this! :)* for making cops seem real in the eyes of so many that see cops as nothing but those horribly corrupt people that pull us over for going 4 over the speed limit. These guys did good!