The Time Tunnel
The Time Tunnel
TV-G | 09 September 1966 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
    Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
    Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
    Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
    roddekker If nothing else - The utter absurdity of this TV show's preposterous story-lines certainly proved to me that its director/writer/producer, Irwin Allen clearly had a very low opinion of the intelligence level of his audience. Yep. He sure did.Had The Time Tunnel's story been, perhaps, set at least 20 years into the future (instead of the year 1967), then yes, this business about time travelling may have appeared to be more plausible.Anyway - This dimwit, Sci-Fi TV series (that obviously took itself way too seriously for its own good) also lost itself some major points for not factoring in the possibility of "alternate realities" into its decidedly shaky "time-travel" equation.I mean - If I'm seriously expected to believe that time travel is, in fact, a precision procedure - Then - With that in mind - I'd say that Irwin Allen can promptly take his show's premise and rightfully insert it straight up inside his rectum.
    room102 (This is a review for Episode 4, but I refer to the series as a whole, so I thought it should be posted here)I recalled THE TIME TUNNEL after watching the first episode of TIMELESS (2016), which seems basically like a remake.Watching THE TIME TUNNEL during the summer vacation as a kid during the 80's was nothing less than a tradition. The good old days of series like THE TIME TUNNEL and THE PRISONER. Here in Israel viewers had to call the TV line and vote which series they want to watch that day, so I don't think I ever watched any series completely or in sequence.Anyway, in Episode 4 Doug and Tony are traveling in time to 1941, just before the Pearl Harbor attack. Tony meets his younger self and his father who died in the attack.Admittedly, the series shows its age. The episode is a bit slow and acting is a bit wooden. But all in all, it was and still is a great series and gives a fuzzy feeling of nostalgia. Although made in the 60's, for me it takes me back to the 80's and brings very strong memories. Good score, too.I think that one of the key differences between TIMELESS and THE TIME TUNNEL is that in the former they can change history events, while in the latter they can't (IIRC).
    wkozak221 I1 watched this series when it first came out. I thought it was great. I always liked Irwin Allen. He took risks. He plowed ahead and did what he wanted to regardless of what other people thought. This series was entertaining all around. It brought lessons about the titanic, Halley's comet, etc., every week. I wish the series ended with them getting back to the control room. I really do not understand why quantum leap was done. I think time tunnel was better all around. Also, ironically the two series ended the same way, Sam, Doug and tony were still in limbo somewhere in time.I guess the network thought at the time the series was too high brow. I enjoyed getting a mini historical lesson every week. I was only 8 in 1966. I wish sam, doug and tony could have made it back. It would have been a nice and fitting ending to both series.
    boinnng I had seen a "Time Tunnel" episode here or there growing up in the '70s but never thought much about them. Recently, I found myself with some gift cards for Best Buy and found both sets of the series (how rude that they broke up a one-season series into two separate DVD sets). Normally, I would have passed them by (having not been too impressed as a youngster), but there was an amazing sale on them. I could buy BOTH sets on sale for LESS than the regular price of ONE of the sets. Cool! Popping in the series, again, I was not expecting much. That first episode with the Titanic I found kind of dull and plodding...even though I can see why the writers went with the Titanic as the first episode. But the tragedy, shock and horror of the disaster were never successfully woven into the story.I almost decided to pass on the rest of the series and sell the two sets on eBay or something, but I continued to watch the show. It really has grown on me. Sure, the story lines are a bit predictable and the minuscule budget is glaringly obvious (only 6 prisoners on Devil's Island? Ha!) and the incongruity of everyone (in ancient Greece, France, etc.) speaking 20th century English (albeit with a foreign accent) just screams out HOKEY (and let's NOT even go into how they could constantly bring people and objects back from the past to the Time Tunnel lab and then send them back again--but they could NEVER bring back Tony or Doug)...but there's just something fascinating about the show and what they TRIED to do with it. For example, Tony goes back and meets his father OR Tony ends up at the base 10 years before the setting of the show and Doug doesn't know him OR when Tony does make it back to the lab but at an accelerated time than everyone else (everyone seems "frozen"--but Tony is just in a warp and has to return where he came from) were really interesting and novel attempts to break up the show's routine shuffle. I also enjoyed when the show moved off into the "future". At least they were TRYING to be creative.It may not have been the best thing ever produced for television, but it was far from the worst. Too bad it only had one season. Given time (and a bigger budget), it MIGHT have evolved into a really fantastic series that is far more revered and remembered than it is today.