Battlestar Galactica
Battlestar Galactica
TV-PG | 17 September 1978 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
    Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
    Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
    Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
    Stebaer4 Yes it's very well put as my Mother Mary E.(Garvey)Baer put it "People who like it like it allot but most people don't."She even told how there was this Priest at Stonehill College who just so that he could finish watching Battlestar Galactica Changed The 9:00pm Mass to the 9:10 pm Mass.My sister Maureen who was The first of 6 siblings of mine out of all 9 to go to Stonehill.It has Special very good effects and as Some people might put it like my sister Denise did "I swear it's just like Starwars."She was the 3rd of 6 siblings to go to Stonehill The others going down the line were Kevin,Denise,Michelle and Jenny.Karen went to Tufts and Mark and I went to Framingham State.I went to Massbay too.Also to think as I read elsewhere on This IMDb site George Lucas The Producer of Star Wars had turned involvement in it down.Before Galactica 1980 would come next year a theater Movie of Battlestar Galactica would come next.In The Book of Rating The Movies they'd even tell how The Movie was inspired by the TV show of which wasn't too hot to begin with.So it makes sense why this wasn't too good either.Possibly, Stephen "Steve" G. Baer a.k.a."Ste" of Framingham,MA.USA
    man14 I used to watch this show when I was a kid - they started to run it when I was 8 or 9, back in 1981 or 1982 - and I loved it! Along with "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century", it was my favorite show. The special effects were amazing (for that time), the stories were engaging and the characters were the stuff of legends - I wanted to be like Starbuck when I grew up! I used to dream of flying a viper and even built a makeshift one myself. Unlike other science fiction TV shows, this one aged very well and is still very watchable. I bought the DVD set four years ago and had quite a good time re-watching this true classic. Recommended for all lovers of good science fiction. They don't make them like this one anymore. P.S.: I also watched the 2004 remake of this series, and even though it was an amazing show, it had very little to do with the original. It was darker and violent, certainly not something a kid of 8 or 9 could watch - like I watched the original when I was that age. If I had to chose between the two, I would chose the original.
    Sean Curtin This classic good versus evil is the REAL Battlestar Galactica. Sure the new revamp series has all the multi-million dollar production values etc, but this classic still wins hands down for me. In fact the only thing that ages for me in the entire series is that confounded robot dog, which was dodgy even when I watched the series as a kid.The new series was good for the first 2 seasons but seriously bombed from Season 3 onwards with boring pointless crap that still leaves me speechless that there's a hoard of mad fans out there who actually enjoyed it.In comparison, this, the original series is exciting and entertaining from beginning to end and I still love the terrific costumes and sets to this day(notice how they didn't want to change the terrific models too much for the revamp. The simple answer is not to keep it linked to this original(which for that new series is a travesty with it's horrible season 3 and 4) but because the artwork and design of those models is so damn cool, they couldn't top it period.If you want to be bored to death by the cylons, then watch the new series all the way through. If you want to be entertained and shown a great story of good versus evil and people working together to achieve a common goal then the original is the way to go. Oh and dare I say it, it will provide you with an entertaining re-watchable story as opposed to the new series unintelligible and never to be watched again series 3 and 4.Also Battlestar Galactica is a great SciFi series that clearly showed that there's more to intergalactic battles of good versus evil than Star Wars, which to be honest is going to be shown for the pretender it really is, when EE Doc Smiths Lendsman series is finally adapted to the big screen(Star Wars is nothing but another work on the themes that EE Doc Smith created decades before Lucas even put pen to paper and those that have read the Lensman series must note how much of a Lensman Rip Off, Star Wars is). I mention all that because Battlestar Galactica was original despite the hideous notion that Lucas believed it was ripping off Star Wars.
    ivan2012 I enjoyed this more than the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica (2004). While the re-imagined Galactica was dark and probably a more realistic portrayal of human behavior, this original version of BSG is more fun to watch. It was like a Stargate or Star Trek show. Considering that it was made in 1978, the visual effects were pretty good. Also, every character was enjoyable to watch, except for maybe Boxey who I thought was kind of annoying. I especially liked Starbuck and Cassi. Dirk Benedict's Starbuck character is very similar to his A-Team character. I wish they had made the Cylons a bit more threatening. They were slow walking tin cans that almost anybody could outrun. And their aim wasn't too good either. Like Firefly, this is another sci-fi series that was canceled too soon after the first season but the characters are likable and the show provides some good escapism.