Buck Rogers in the 25th Century
Buck Rogers in the 25th Century
TV-14 | 20 September 1979 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
    Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
    Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
    Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
    Hotwok2013 Season 2 of Buck Rogers In The 25th Century is a classic example of the old maxim,"If it works, don't fix it". The producers tried to make the second season stories more serious in content which had the effect of taking most of the fun out of the show. Out went most of the campy costumes & the hordes of gorgeous, hot Hollywood starlets who guest-starred. Out too went the biggest loss of all, Pamela Hensley's Princess Ardala. She was an absolute knockout of a hot babe. Her eye-catching, over-the-top, garish (& sometimes very skimpy) costumes were one of the shows biggest selling points. They retained Erin Gray's Colonel Wilma Deering, also a big draw for us lads, but she was generally given much lesser prominence in Season 2. The result of all this was that the second season just wasn't nearly as entertaining or enjoyable to watch.
    tomas208 This series is fun and somewhat compelling to watch. But in every episode there are recurring incidents which defy any sense of innovativeness: 1. Panels on walls are destroyed. Approximately three per episode. This is done primarily to lock someone in a room.2. Buck Rogers is deep in enemy territory and uses force to get the job done. 9 of 10 episodes' problems are solved in this manner. If he is captured or wants to free someone, he'll just have to start swinging at the guards and everything will be fine. Never any solutions based on intellect.3. Buck Rogers is labeled by someone as the most perfect creature in the entire universe.4. A new woman is introduced and shows immediate affection for Buck Rogers.5. When they are flying in space, there is no variation from the theme of shooting at other spacecraft, and one hit always means the destruction of the target.6. Twiki is unable to say anything that isn't deeply annoying.7. Dr. Huer is very sensible.8. The shows end with Rogers, Deering, Huer and Twiki eating at Buck's apartment and Rogers is laughing as the frame freezes.All this aside, it's a good series. Not many dull moments. However, don't watch the episode called "A Blast for Buck", it's just a mixture of various flashbacks from previous episodes, and the real time ending is almost worse than the flashbacks.
    BumpyRide Come on everyone, your memories must be failing you because this show was made on the cheap. That included cheap sets and costumes (think back ten years earlier when we had the likes of LIS and ST) along with rookie writers and directors. The LIS robot was kicking (still is) but instead we got "Twiki" a totally irritating silver plastic dwarf. The special effects were done well with what budget there was. I assume that IL&M who did the effects, were very costly. The acting talent wasn't bad, Gil Gerard was suitably cast as Buck, essentially playing him as Captain Kirk. Erin Gray was adequate as Wilma but she didn't bring much to the character of Wilma (you'd think in the 25th century no one would be named Wilma). She was very one dimensional. The show had an antiseptic quality to it with those white plastic (cheap) cubes that people in the 25th century supposedly build their buildings with. Also, everyone in the future will wear bright, shiny clothing! As a teen during its first run, I watched it because that's all we had except for Star Trek reruns but even I knew the show was a poor production when you had guest stars such as Gary Coleman. The major networks never liked Sci-Fi shows, giving them low budgets and bad time slots. Perhaps the next time Buck is dusted off, the Sci-Fi Channel will get it right.
    MuggySphere When I found this on DVD on the net I got excited. I have some fond memories of the TV show when it was first on in the 80s here in Australia.I have to admit though that the second season was not as much fun as the first. The stories tried way too hard to be "serious" and cutting back the other cast ruined it for me.The best episodes in the series were "Time Of The Hawk" and "Testimony Of A Traitor" IMHO. Loved the show, the sets and even the many goofs in the episodes themselves.6/10