Star Wars: Droids
Star Wars: Droids
TV-Y7 | 07 September 1985 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
    Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
    Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
    Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
    xamtaro STAR WARS: DROIDS was the closest anyone had to a "prequel" back in 1985. It detailed the often light hearted adventures of C3PO and R2D2 back before they landed in the possession of Princess Leia at the start of "A NEW HOPE". In a move considered rare among cartoons of that day, DROIDS employed arcs consisting of 4 episodes each. The first saw the titular droids land in the possession of a duo of Speeder Racing enthusiasts. They have built their very own speeder called the Mach 5 The White Witch but through a series of unfortunate events land in the crosshairs of a powerful triad boss. The second arc has the droids end up helping a lost prince reclaim his throne and fend off the pirates that were plaguing his homeland. Then they join merchant Mungo Baobab on a treasure hunt to the Roon system while evading imperial patrols.Exciting stuff for sure. Pirates and princes, space ships and speeders, even a run in with the Empire. Take the original Star Wars trilogy and watch only C3PO and R2D2 scenes. There you have what this show is all about. Lighter on action, heavier on humour with a good dose of cartoon slapstick. Anthony Daniel's humorous British accented delivery as C3PO and R2D2 as "himself" steals the show as the strongest reminder of its Star Wars roots. Basically, C3PO and R2D2 are in this cartoon as they were in the movies. If you loved them then, you would love them here. It is amazing how one actor can establish this chemistry with a sound synthesiser (which is essentially what they used to "voice" R2D2).Yet for all their efforts, STAR WARS DROIDS feels so far removed from the "feel" of Star Wars and more like your typical Saturday morning cartoon. Space ships like the A-Wing and a badly drawn Star Destroyer do make an appearance, as do Stormtroopers and of course the titular droids. But nothing would change if they were replaced by generic space ships, generic bad guys and a bumbling protagonist duo. The story lines are so clichéd and the new designs of never-see-before aliens, vehicles and technology so.....weird. This cartoon also throws out Skywalker Sound's fabulous audio from the movies and replace John Williams' timeless score with.....generic stuff. All the other characters act in that exaggerated cartoony manner befitting your generic.......did I just repeat "generic"? I guess I did. Because that is how you describe this show in a single word.It is generic. Star Wars in name only. Even the visuals are groan inducing. Artwork goes off model once too often, colours are flat and lifeless, and once again the designs are just.....weird. In terms of animation, STAR WARS DROIDS was farmed out to a taiwanese studio and their work, while passable, cannot hold a candle to the superior work of Japanese or Korean studios. Movements alternate between stiff and exaggerated with character gesturing unnecessarily in conversations like they were in some stage play. Most confusing is the decision to animate robots like humans; C3PO is a heck lot more flexible than his movie counterpart, plus he is able to make facial expressions, run, jump and flex his elbows. R2D2 is now made of rubber seeing as how he can squash and stretch himself like a balloon. Perhaps I am out of my element here. Perhaps this was made for the simpler kids of the 80s and no one else. I may have judged this more kindly if it were not Star Wars, but there it is, right there in the title. Star Wars dove in deep and revolutionised cinema. It pushed the boundaries of special effects and brought science fiction out of its B movie gutter and into billion dollar blockbuster territory. STAR WARS DROIDS chose to wade in safe and shallow, revolutionising nothing, and not even capturing the feel of its source material.
    The_Depressed_Star_Wars_fan Star Wars was one of the biggest parts of my childhood. I know all the live action theatrical movies by heart. While not all of them are amazing masterpieces, they are still landmarks in pop culture, but like any successful franchise some sort of animated spin-off had to be made. For Star Wars, several were made, but the one that stands out in my mind the most prominently is DROIDS. The story line to Droids is that C-3PO and R2-D2 go from master to master, finding themselves going on many adventures. Already the story line sounds boring, as well as was. The characters are flat and uninteresting as all Hell. Aside from our two main characters, every character was just a blatant rip-off of a characters from something else. Yes I know even the Excellent Star Wars movies took a lot of influence from other films, but they at least made enough tweaks that the characters and scenes were memorable. They weren't even trying with the characters in this show. The comedy fell flat and would leave you cringing and wishing to turn the TV off. The animation in this show was atrocious, often times the animators would recycle stock footage even if the footage being recycled had a background that didn't match the scene it's supposed to be part of. All in all, this show's not worth your time.
    amsnyd This was a fun cartoon series, with cool stories and good animation. It centered around C3PO and R2D2 and their adventures before Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. The show deals with gangsters, princes, and a speeder race that was likely the precursor to the Pod Race in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. "Droids" had the Star Wars atmosphere as well as the atmosphere of '80's cartoons. It was canceled after only one season,
    uksludge I saw this series years ago (probably on the BBC) when I was a kid and though I remember the animation as very bland and the story's disconnection from the movies as disappointing I still watched it and presumably enjoyed it enough to waste my time doing so. Why? Well I can only presume it was the magic still associated with all things Star Wars even as the craze was becoming Transformers (now that's what I call(ed) a robot cartoon).