Bionic Woman
Bionic Woman
| 26 September 2007 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    ThiefHott Too much of everything
    GazerRise Fantastic!
    Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
    Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
    Minerva Breanne Meybridge This rehash of the Bionic Woman saw the same light of day as Battlestar Galactica and The Sarah Conner Chronicles. Both of those sci-fi shows had characters to care about. This one didn't. There was a soap opera relationship between Jamie and her kid sister, but it never sent anywhere. Plus, audiences are more savvy than they were back in the 70's. Just because someone has bionic legs or a bionic arm would not endow them with super strength. Try punching through a brick wall and your bionic humerus bone will shatter your shoulder blade. Try lifting a car and you'll crush your pelvis and back. Clearly, from a scientific point of view, while bionic replacements are within the realm of possibility, to create a bionic superman, one needs to replace most of the skeletal system with titanium, and then you have to worry about where, without a skeleton, blood is going to be made by the body, as blood, both red blood cells for oxygen and white blood cells for immunity, are manufactured in the marrow. Furthermore, just by having a titanium skeleton, does now endow someone with super strength. So, even if she were able to leverage herself to lift a lamp post, if she attempted to throw it, she would rip half of her muscles and tendons in her shoulder, which is not bionic, and would probably fall backwards with the lamp post coming down on top of her. Running at 60 miles per hour represents another problem. Although she might be able to jump high from the servos in her knees, running would involve the use of muscles to move her entire legs, and human muscles are not capable of this feat, especially driving legs that are made of titanium alloy that is a lot heavier than bone. To accomplish what this series purported to do, they would have had to turn her into Robocop. So why did the original Six Million Dollar Man and Bionic Woman last as long as they did? I think it was because audiences liked Lee Majors and Lindsay Wagner more than they cared about the concept of the shows, and it was a different time.Meanwhile, the pilot seemed to launch the character in a more human direction. The story arc with her sister never really sent anywhere, so why bother giving her a sister at all? The same happened with Nikita, which became a total bore after the first season. Alias went a similar route, as did 24. All action. Nothing and no one to care about. The best part was Katee Sackhoff as the bad ass villain, who had a reason. And again, her character was short-lived, as was the series. I don't think that many will miss this show, because the show really missed its mark.
    jacko1275 Sorry to go against every one but i liked it not much more to say than that. The acting was bearable, The plot was OK,The story line didn't make me turn it off.Just some good old fashioned mind numbing TV, and theirs nothing wrong with that.I liked the remade Battlestar Galactica although a little hard to get used to some changes,it was good to see Some of the BSG actors in this remake which i thought was a lot better than the original very lame Lindsay Wagner bionic woman, Yes very lame when you look at it again today.
    Azlan Lewis I liked this new version. It is a good modernization of an older classic.While I was annoyed by the addition of teen sister that the new Jamie Sommers is caring for it still doesn't make this new version unwatchable.Jamie isn't given a choice to be bionic, it is something that just happened to her.Gone is the OSI, it is now a outside company interested in "helping" to right the wrongs. Jamie is supposed to handle this with all the ease with just being thrust into this new word given to her by science.I enjoyed this new version and was watching it weekly until the Hollywood writers strike took effect.When the new version came back after the Hollywood writer's strike was settled, I had lost interest as it had been off the air too long.
    gollum2046 In regard to the previous comment about the show i must admit that the pilot episode was a little drab but as the show evolved it turned it to much more everyone that i have spoken to that has seen the show loves it but then again who are we to judge itv i showing the 8 episodes and the viewings are fantastic over here yet they still cancelled the show regardless of the audience views of it we want more the actors and actresses have become so much more than the original version of the show and we all love them such a great work of art and believe me there are worse shows for special effects going on and they still have air time yet they don't ask the common people