TV-14 | 19 September 1994 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
    Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
    Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
    cathylr This is probably the most realistic show about life in the ER. Neither mellow nor harsh, it can be watched by all the family from teenagehood. To be perfectly honest, I ´only´ watched until season 9 or so as the characters of the first seasons had all left and the new ones were not of so much interest to me. So I cannot tell about the seasons on.
    skankylove I LOVED the first 10 seasons but slowly all of the main cast left. They started pushing the leftist garbage and I couldn't connect with or care about any of the new cast. After John Carter left the show should have ended.
    drewstewartcola Almost every creator of a medical Drama since the 1990's has tried to copy this shows formula, but with no avail. The workplace dynamics are beautifully interwoven into every episode. The likable characters have their flaws and even the villains have redeeming values, the best part is viewers don't necessarily know where the show is headed, a novel idea for 1990's era TV. It was a bold show for an era in which producers rarely went away from a show's standard format. I'm writing this entry on March 18,2018, while the show is streaming on HULU. It's a binge watcher for sure. Many of the social issues ER dealt with like LGBT rights and sexual harassment were brought to the forefront in this cutting edge drama
    ComedyFan2010 I didn't watch the show when it was on air. The first time I watched it was in 2014, this is when I started with the pilot, 20 years after it first aired. I didn't expect that I will watch it all, but already the first episode got me hooked and I went on through all 15 seasons, loving it for the most part.Of course with the show that goes on for such a long time one has to expect that the quality will decline. And it did somewhere halfway through it. For me it was when Anthony Edwards who played Dr. Mark Greene left. But it still remained of pretty decent quality that made one want to keep watching.Dr Greene was definitely my favorite character. I loved the acting and the personality that he was given. I felt with him through the joy, worries and his pain. But besides him there were many others that I liked a lot. Dr. Benton, Dr. Carter, Dr. Pratt, Dr. Morris, Dr. Romano, Dr. Lewis, Dr. Corday and Dr. Weaver would be the top ones.The show always had great stories. The short ones about the patients where they gave us many different diseases and extraordinary stories that made one think a lot. The days and nights in the ER were always portrayed like I would imagine them happening, full of action, decisions to make and responsibilities thee doctors have. As well as the longer going stories about the lives of the doctors, usually there were several that were going on through the whole season that we wanted to see evolving.Later the main problem was that it became to soap operish. I still enjoyed it, but some things were getting on my nerves. For example my least favorite character was Dr. Neela Rasgotra. Parminder Nagra did a great performance like all other actors, and she was not such a horrible person. What made me dislike her was that the character ended up in too many love relationships in the ER, too much love drama that gets too much as there should be a limit.It was definitely a wonderful show. Well written and with very talented cast that made it a big joy to watch. We felt the drama, some fun relief moments and stories and a lot of action that kept us from ever getting bored.