TV-14 | 29 September 1998 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Protraph Lack of good storyline.
    Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
    Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
    Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
    kenfran We watched the first series by accident, a repeat on TV, and really liked it. We got hooked and got hold of the three other series and really enjoyed the next two. Sure there were lots of questions, why did Megan change, why does Felicity keep going out with Ben, why does such a smart girl do such silly things at times (but don't we all), why did Javier not elope with Ben- But hey these movies are meant to provoke questions For us the last half of the last series was the big let down. It almost felt as though the directors and writers were running of ideas so they did a Dr Who/Buffy stunt and took Felicity back in time. It was a tedious few episodes. Then came the last episode, which was a very poor last episode, where it should have been the crown in the jewel. And why was dead Elena at the wedding party.Despite this I would recommend it as a worthy watch.
    tasnee When Felicity first aired in 1998, I was only 13 years old and lived in a little town in nowhere, Alaska that didn't have TV. So I missed out on the episodes when they were first aired.It wasn't until my own Senior year of high school that I didn't have many classes to take and a lot of time on my hands before going off to college that I surfed through the channels once after we finally got satellite, to land on this show as reruns on the WE network.One single episode was all it took for me to fall absolutely head-over-feet in love with this show. So many of my classmates would talk about other shows like Dawson's Creek and My So Called Life. They examined high school however, and since high school wasn't something I could relate to nor did I want to - I decided to catch a glimpse of the college experience through the eyes of artists.I don't use the term "artists" lightly. This show not only captured pretty realistic viewpoints of what college life is actually like, but it dealt with serious issues in a way that was not over-dramatic and really heartfelt.So many people like to point out that teens are always the ones with the complex lives and all the nostalgia to look back on. This show proves that its actually the people just starting the rest of their lives after high school that can really reach a place within themselves and discover who they are through "the smallest decisions".And Felicity, not only as a character, but as a show, really takes the audience on that same journey of self-enlightenment.
    globalfreak-2 I came upon this show while in college and enjoyed every episode! Keri Russell and all the cast and characters are terrific with dialog and feeling to match! Definitely JJ Abrams best effort, though i like Alias and Lost to a lesser extent, Felicity has it all. It is always amazing to me how shows can create a scene and sense of a city when they are not even filmed in that city! NYC in Felicity felt as real as real, down to the background and sounds. The show created that perfect little window to look in upon a tiny little world that held so much. I was disappointed when it was canceled but at least it had its college run, and the ending four or five shows were done exquisitely! Thank the goddess its out on DVD!
    erica-lyons I had watched this show in the first and second season and loved it but lost track of it for the remaining 2 seasons. When they came out with the DVD box sets I didn't hesitate to buy them. It saddens me that they haven't syndicated this show in Canada because I think it was amazing and that people could still watch it now and love it as much as they did when they were 18. I just found that Felicity's situations, though sometimes a little bit of a stretch, really had me relating to her. I have never in my life watched a show and gone to bed wondering all night what would happen next.This show is great and the cast is great and I would recommend buying it to anyone. I have all 4 seasons on DVD and I am happy I bought them.
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