TV-14 | 09 July 2007 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Alicia I love this movie so much
    GamerTab That was an excellent one.
    Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
    Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
    Virginie Mikaelian I just finished watching all 4 seasons of Greek for the... what is it now? The 10th time? Maybe more? It usually hits me every 15 or 16 months... like, I get this insane craving and then I binge on every episode from beginning till end.As a radical feminist, a lot of things make me cringe but it's the ONE show where I'm willing to overlook those things... I still laugh at every single joke ("The Anker? Where does that name come from?" "Well, I come from a long line of seamen..." LOLOLOL And... "There's a reason we don't try, Spitter! Because when we try... SNAKES DIE!" LOLOLOLOL...oh my god. LOL.) and I cry every time Rebecca and Casey share a moment, or when Cappie gives Casey her valentine present... or like... the last episode during which I literally bawl my eyes out...If you've ever been to college, with or without a Greek system... this show is for you. It will make you laugh, love, cry, and relive those glory years with all the drama, and the friendships, and the relationships, and the mistakes, and the angst... and every incredible life lesson that came with it. It's a wonderful thing. I don't know what I'd do without my yearly dose of Greek.Greek is my safe-space. My security blanket. My all-time favorite show that has become even more important to me than Buffy the Vampire Slayer (and that is saying something.)So, I heard a reunion movie was becoming a reality? YES, PLEASE!There is no such thing as too much Greek!
    stephaniehc1192 I absolutely love this show! I didn't start watching this until the entire series was put on Netflix, and now I'm on the last season and I'm so upset that it ended because this show is awesome. I started watching this when I couldn't sleep one night and was looking for something kind-of-interesting-but-not-too-interesting to watch until I got tired. I ended up spending the entire night watching episode after episode. In the first episode, Casey and Ashleigh seem like very stereotypical, catty, judgmental girls. As time goes on, however, their characters really do develop. You begin to understand their personalities and love them and cheer them on. This show is funny and full of heart. 10/10 definitely recommend!
    ezaluvzya This show is absolutely fantastic. It provides all the great drama and romance of teen shows like The OC and Dawsons, but it's a whole lot funnier. It's a show with morals and values, without everything being sugar coated and sanitised (ala 7th Heaven.) We don't have sororities or fraternities in Australia, and our university system is completely different, so I have no idea how accurately Greek life is portrayed. But I don't care! Because this show is my new favourite! Any writer that can make me love a racist, homophobe confederate flag-waving Bible basher must be genius.And Cappie is my new Pacey. Sorry Josh Jackson, you've been dethroned!
    in_themists I just recently stumbled upon this show when ABC family had an all day marathon before season 2 premiered. I remember seeing previews for the show back in 2007, and thought it would be short lived, and not very well written, because it was on ABC Family.Never doubt an ABC family show! This show surprised me in the best way possible. Not only is the show well written, story lines are realistic, funny, and enjoyable. I was expecting a lot of talk about relationships, something like "this guy dated that girl who dumped me for that kid... etc." But this show is anything but! The characters are appealing and you really feel a connection between them all. There is a lot of chemistry between the actors, and they can really make you feel like the stuff is happening right before your eyes.Don't doubt this show, it is truly enjoyable to watch... and get hooked on ;)