Generation Kill
Generation Kill
TV-MA | 13 July 2008 (USA)

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    Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
    Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
    StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
    Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
    wicj I got the same feeling watching this that I got when watching the first season of Band of Brothers: Fantastic! Superb acting, no big anti- or pro-war message being shoved down your throat, just a well-told story of men in combat. It's said that warriors (from day one of war one) fight not for country, religion or cause, but for their brethren. So any war movie or TV series that tries to portray more than that is implausible tripe. Even Saving Private Ryan had it's moments of preachiness that almost--almost--ruin that movie for me. This series does visit civilian casualties, conflicting ROEs, conscientious refusal of orders, and the banalities "why are we here?/what did we really accomplish?" that are ever-present in Hollywood war tales. But the above listed do not detract from the larger narrative: the intersection of the singular experience of combat and soldiers, mere ordinary men in extraordinary circumstances. This is exactly why this series works so well; the soldiers are relatable, the dialogue is natural, their relationships are human. This is why Band of Brothers and All Quiet Along the Western Front work. The side that the soldiers are fighting for or against is immaterial; we relate to their humanity, when portrayed correctly, and imagine ourselves in their shoes. Generation Kill succeeds where its contemporary The Hurt Locker failed miserably: it portrays grunts, officers, enemy and civilians with all the humanity and diversity that you would realistically get from a cross-section of people in the midst of unfathomable violence. In addition, humor is thrown into the mix to good effect. I found myself laughing along with the soldiers' inside jokes, and cursing along with them at their tribulations, making me feel part of their story -- a sign of a well-told story. My only complaint about Generation Kill is that they only made one season. I wanted more!
    grantss Brilliant war drama.The story of 1st Marine Reconnaissance Battalion's participation in the second Allied invasion of Iraq, in 2003. Seen through the eyes of Rolling Stone reporter Evan Wright, who was embedded with the Battalion and upon whose book the series is based.Though dramatized, this is pretty much a warts-and-all account of a military unit in combat. Hardly glamorous, it shows well the problems they face, both external and internal. Not all drama and explosions - there are many great comedic moments, especially in the dialogue.Accurate, engrossing and entertaining.
    seventotheone Something that always sticks with me about Generation Kill is the that there is no musical score. Instead in the scenes where one would traditionally hear a song pop up, the cast end up singing it. I thought this was pretty cool.Although linear in storyline, GK is awesome in that it meanders along and not littered with plot devices. As a viewer you get a sense of sitting around waiting with the soldiers.I have never served in the military but the dialogue strikes me as being loyal to what soldiers in these situations would be talking about.The internal politics and power struggles constantly facing the characters add the element of drama which we face in our everyday lives, but in a war zone setting.The insertion of the journo is good writing because in effect since he is never named, I can assume that he is us, the viewer. He asks the questions we want to know.I have watched this entire series now twice and enjoyed it both times.
    Kong Ho Meng Really awesome realistic depiction of US marine corps. I can see from IMDb, many war vets are pleased with this movie because the character behaviours and the mood are all spot-on towards the real depiction of the modern generation of US soldiers being sent to war.This series focuses purely on the soldiers...there were no mention of political affairs (only those within the divisions), no romanticization of any sense, no clichés (those that appear to be are actually really happening within the corps), no utter nonsense whatsoever.If you expect plenty of bad-ass action and hate to watch boring routines, don't watch this series (1 war vets commented that the war in afgha/iraq is 5% action and 95% menial tasks). If you expect to watch these US heroes being depicted as heroes and not screwing around situations, don't watch this series. If you expect them to function perfectly like robots with pure morale, don't watch this series. If you worship them as if 'band of brothers' glorification, don't watch this series.If you really want to see how soldiers in iraq or afghanistan cope with their routines, this is the only depiction so far that hits the spot. I have come to this series after reviewing the failed Hurt Locker. I have watched interview videos of two of the actors who PLAYED THEMSELVES AS THEY WERE THE REAL CHARACTERS AT THAT TIME (namely Rudy and Kocher who also played as military advisors). The attention to detail, the jargons, the behaviour of many personalities existing within the marines, the clothes, teleplay, everything is just wonderful. The (totally) lack of music, meaning all the sound support are just military radios and soldiers singing lullabies, just adds to its power. I am glad HBO has succeeded this far. The only thing out of place I may point, is that the reporter seems too quiet. well, the series is not suppose to give him too much airtime anyway.Some of the jargons are just classic...