Viva La Bam
Viva La Bam
| 26 October 2003 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
    Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
    Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
    Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
    Andreas Marker (ajmarker) Anyone remember the first CKY, CKY2K etc..? Back when it was about making crazy cool stuff, rather than watching Bam Margera act like a douchebag, spoiled 5 year old, super/rock-star wannabe.The show used to be awesome, however, Bam's fame and wealth has led him to believe, that we now enjoy him acting childish and idiotic, more than actual cool stuff, that used to be in ex. CKY2K.The acts are so repetitive, there's like nothing new, except annoying stupidity and rehearsed comments... The only things we see is Bam Margera, so busy showing us how much he doesn't care, how much money he got or whatsoever.I really got nothing much left to say except, give us back CKY2K, cause Bam suck..I enjoy watching Steve-o, Knoxville etc. a thousand times more.
    vyhle I have not watched every jackass episode. It was mildly entertaining if nothing else was going. But after watching Jackass #2 i was fond of Bam and Dunn. They had a nice attitude in the movie jackass so i figured i'd tune in on viva la Bam. Boy was i mistaken. Seriously, you could pair a bunch of 2'graders, provide them with the same budget and i bet they could knock off something more creative on the screen. I mean, C'Mon MTV!! At 23 where most people are tuned in you give us this rubbish.Everything seems so forced. You don't know the characters because there's no attitude at all. You can't appreciate Bam or Dunn, or anyone for that matter. If there would just be a tiny tiny doze of thought. Anything we won't forget as soon as next shot goes on.They finally manage to create a good shot and you like whats going on. You sit there, just waiting for their reaction, and then some jerk closes the scenes with two lame sentences and bang. Was that the close for that shot or what, please?. If i had been there i would freak out and laugh. Do some insane stuff and have my adrenaline pumping but these guys... Just scripted stupid reactions.Yes they get a few chuckles of the audience by cheap gross jokes, or gigantic jokes which in my opinion are such a waste of cash. Many many normal humans which was not taken under the Jackass wing could in a heartbeat write a far funnier script. Or impress with visual camera work. Even spontaneous wannabe cool guys without a script would pull of a better job. MTV could in a whim bring more soothing material on the screen. You just need to fire the writer of this stupid show.Some scenes actually require a bit of courage and therefore 2 stars.
    Casey Hamilton Viva La Bam! What can i say, if you don't like the show than don't watch it. I think this show is hilarious, who wouldn't enjoy annoying their parents, enjoying yourself in the process and making a packet at the same time.Bam's parents may seem like they get the rough end of the stick, but they really do enjoy the shenanigans that go on. Phil and April are always involved in the action, and as for Don Vito as disgusting as he is, he really plays an instrumental role in the show (who else's car's are they going to trash) I find the show is light hearted entertainment, which really does require a brain to think of the stuff they come up with. I would move into the West Chester castle any day. Keep up the "hard" work guys......its surely takes your mind off the depressing news headlines that control our lives. YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE!!!10/10
    Hazel-Eyes-Dreaming I haven't started watching the show from the beginning but MTV and MTV2 show so many reruns I'm up to speed. I've noticed that in the beginning Bam didn't care about who's feeling he hurt or who's stuff he ruins including his mom, but this season I've noticed that he's picking on Vito the most. He's definitely lighting up on his mom which I think is a good thing. I especially liked the episode when it was Ape's birthday. That was nice of him to do that for her. Also I hope that China set that was in Ape's grandma's cabinet that got ruined in the first season, wasn't the real one because that's messed up especially since Bam didn't try to stop them. Anyway I'm glad he's showing some respect for his mom now, but it's still hilarious when he does mess with them!!!