How to Make It in America
How to Make It in America
TV-MA | 14 February 2010 (USA)

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    Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
    Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
    GazerRise Fantastic!
    Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
    Fuzagi comment@ jfiore86This is made by the guy who made Entourage. It's a poor man's entourage trying to capture the grittyness of NYC. But it fails miserably because well New York is not so mono-chromatic. Or mono-racial.The Office first season was bad because it stuck to the British Script. It got better after it took a U-turn and did a drama-styled sitcom. It became it's own show. This show is going nowhere fast. The second season is much the same as before?I also agree w/ Davis above.. When the psycho cousin and the ex-girlfriend's nutter boss are way more interesting than your leads, you've got problems" Enough said.
    joekinplaya First let me start off by saying this show isn't perfect. There's a few things I would change to make it both more entertaining and meaningful. However, I'm no professional writer and I'm sure there is a more to it than meets the eye.With that being said, this show is worthwhile to watch. It definitely is better than the other 1000 popular shows titled "BEST" but in reality is just another same exact BS reality wannabe or some drama-stirring show. This has a good level of every variety. There is drama but not the one that would annoy you or pick sides. Each main character has their own life and perspectives and they do well in portraying that. The collection of characters, however, is a little unrealistic although I'm sure there's a group like this somewhere. Ben is the main focus character along with Cam. Ben worries and stresses, but he's trying to do well and live his life best he can. Cam has faced the many dark sides of American society along with his cousin Rene. This show begins with them trying to make their lives respectable and worthwhile by doing legitimate business. Rachel, I feel needs to figure out what she wants... but with that being said, we all have been in the same situation where we really don't know what we want and we struggle with the decision. Rachel is possibly a great example of that. She has a great job, great life, great relationship. However, you see that she will always think about things. Kaplan is a bit insecure but he doesn't get fazed by it. He is a wealthy Wall St. corporate trying to live life with his good friends and find a girl. Kaplan is a bit of an open book but I'm sure they will delve deeper into his character. He's a lot like few wealthy people who buy their friends... but in this show it's much more than that. As the series continues, you will see Kaplan slowly truly become their friends but still hold that seed of doubt, that insecurity.Each of these characters are all good friends, with the exception of Rene. Rene is a good character in my mind. It really is true, most people won't understand a man like him. However, having considerable mistakes in his past, he is trying to be an honest legitimate businessman. There are many people among us who drive you crazy and Rene will show a glimpse of his past self each time he comes across them characters. Rene is not afraid to admit to his mistakes. There are some criticism as to why he is in this show. I think it is a good mix to have someone in the older generation from NY as well. Rene and his crew provides good comedy for the show. Rene is running Rasta Monster (energy drink) and Ben & Cam are running Crisp (clothing line). It shows the cold hard world of starting your own business and just how difficult it is...I've got few friends in the clothing line business and NYC is one of the cities in America that excel in trendiness and fashion. When I talk to my friends, it really is hard. My father is in a similar line of business working in NJ. If you WERE going to start off somewhere, I would not start off directly in NY as it would cause tremendous financial problems. My father also gets a lot of stress going to business meets in Las Vegas, Atlantic City, etc (as he's not the party guy, he's more of a stay-home-in-bed type a guy). This show doesn't accurately project the burdens and obstacles you'd go through in that industry, but in the social aspect it can shed some light.
    Syndication91 Unless you are from New York and just like looking at the scenery there is virtually nothing about this show that grabs you and keeps you tuned in. The characters are generally unlikable and hard to relate to. Who cares about the jean business? I mean there is nothing about hipsters selling jeans that makes me want to root for them. Just a dry show that is overly pretentious.Luiz Guzman is funny but underutilized in his role. The two main characters are just kind of there and the writing for their interactions seems extremely forced. I know it has the Entourage Wahlberg pedigree but I do not see why HBO signed off on another season of this while they eliminated In Treatment.
    itbmac Love the show. The acting may not seem the best to some people, but after you watch a few episodes. The actors really grow on you. I felt the same way when I started watching Entourage. Love the story and background. Great Music. Love the fact that Cudi is in it. I have visited NYC multiple times and it really cool seeing the show happening in places I have actually been. Hope that they sell merchandise, would fit the show. People from Entourage did a great job with the show, seems to be the next Entourage. Love the free mix tape download and Pilot, very generous of HBO. Disappointed about the first season only being 8 episodes long, but a renewal for a second season would most certain make up for it.