TV-14 | 16 October 2012 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
    UnowPriceless hyped garbage
    Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
    Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
    kirstyhalvorsen I've watched the whole season of Underemployed and I Loved it! Rarely do you like all the characters in a series but in Underemployed they are all really likable but also flawed like in real people. It's a bit like a modern day 'Friends' but better - it's funny and cool but with real story lines that actually touch upon subjects that affect real people today - money worries, employment worries, sexuality etc. There are some great actors in it too. I was really surprised by how good and how addictive Underemployed was, as MTV usually only has really bad reality shows on it, so I am really hoping they see sense and this show gets a second season!
    demetrius11 This series is about a group of very beautiful people (!) who have absolutely no reason to be friends. The actors are decent but the character development is extremely bad. All the characters are very shallow, and the scrip lucks any kind of creativity. The situations that the "friends" get into are scripted terribly, and things happen out of the blue with the lame excuse of "youth". "Youth" is not an excuse for poor writing though, and just using very cute faces is not enough to make a good show. I am curious to see if this show will be on air for much longer. I hope that MTV will spend more for writers in the future.
    stev_kimy_mike This show grew up so much since episode 1. I've just watched episode 11 and I found the plot really catchy. It's simply close to reality and it's worth watching. The stories of these 5 friends are just getting better each new episode and for common newbies in real world... I found it helpful, if you get it. Daphne's story line couldn't get any better and what it goes for Miles, who's now sort of hooked up with the messed up girl with no control on spending matters(Daphne)... Well, they turned out to be a great couple in the end. Right, I had some doubts because of the friendship background history they had. Sophia is taking risks, getting more wild and out of her shell... basically she is starting to live, and this couldn't have been more right for her writer career. Lou and Raviva are dealing with so much at the same time... They are such a catch to keep up with. And by the way Raviva's songs are a cool add to this show that has all the ingredients to work out. I just hope MTV doesn't cancel it.
    ddwils Great Series. I have caught up and watched the first six episodes. I am really liking all the characters especially Miles, Sophia and Daphne. This show is now something that I am looking forward to each week. I encourage everyone to watch the first few episodes and let yourself get to know the characters so you can enjoy this show as much as myself. Each week I learn more about each character and like them even more. The show leaves me wondering what is going to happen next. This series reminds me of my favorite show of all time "Friends" I don't usually watch MTV but for this show is different. It is well done and entertaining.