Rizzoli & Isles
Rizzoli & Isles
TV-14 | 12 July 2010 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
    Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
    Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
    Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    leopathak I loved the show when i started watching it but later realized Angie's character as Detective Rizzoli gradually gets irritating. She is shown to be the best detective yet she has no particular skills. Often they show tapes in which only Rizzoli can point out to obvious things other 'detectives' would have noticed too. She tries to be witty and sarcastic but it gets irritating eventually. More than that how they treat her giving her all the details and taking instructions from her like she is their boss. Need more realistic shows.
    EnoVarma (Seasons 1 through 4)A terrifically entertaining show based, or rather, inspired by the series of novels by Tess Gerritsen. R&I mixes often gruesome cases with sitcom-y dialogue and downright soap opera level plot twists. So, what's not to like?It's pretty light-weight stuff, but well produced and acted, often resembling a female version of "Castle" (better show by a couple of notches). The focal point of the series is Jane Rizzoli, and Angie Harmon playing her. Harmon showcases terrific comedic sensitivities, but pulls off playing tough as well. Sasha Alexander's Maura Isles is a great "straight man" to the lively Harmon.R&I is a crime show made by women for women. Its feminist undertones show in the way the two gorgeous leads aren't visually objectified, and in the tendency of solving dilemmas through other than aggressive ways. On the other hand, it's hard to find positive father figures in this female-centered show, contrasted by the central mother figure played by the charismatic Lorraine Bracco in a lovely, warmth-filled performance. This, too, gives food for thought: Maura's father, a mob boss responsible for dozens of murders, is shown in a multi-dimensional way with sympathetic undertones; but a sex trafficker is simply shot to death execution style.The latter is linked to the main weakness of the show: often the resolution to the cases come through lazy writing. The writers get markedly better (as does the show) season by season, but even in a 4th season episode there is a baffling scene where R&I break into an evidence room, but in the end Isles simply pulls all the answers (in the said room) from her computer and previous investigation. Quite clumsy, that.Nevermind, R&I was never meant to be "The Cracker", it's just a wonderfully engaging show, where the beef is in the banter between the delightful characters. With, again, Angie Harmon being absolutely hilarious. All in all, this is the stuff binge-watching is made of.
    llhanley-23068 Shameful. I just saw the episode where a young man and his girlfriend are walking along the beach and he wants her to go swimming with him AND SHE FLIPS HIM OFF, on prime time TV. Base, rude, offensive and disrespectful. Why not just say the word and skip the gesture. Really teach young people it's OK. No respect shown is no respect earned. And I was watching this with my Mother. I actually had to rewind to make sure I was seeing what I was, and sure enough, there it was. And then he's in the water and throws a shoe at her head, which, of course, turns out to be one with a foot in it. Why not just hit her with it? Normally I love this program but this gesture caught us all off guard and we're all hoping it isn't a sign of what we can expect in the future. TNT, take some advise from your audience, we don't need to see snotty, disrespectful young people doing anything, especially this.
    Lara Watson I love this series. I sometimes love it more than the book series. Great casting and characters. Angie Harmon is great as Jane Rizzoli. Sasha Alexander is fabulous as Dr. Maura Isles. I wish some of the books in the series could be made into episodes of the TV series. I really hope that this show stays on for awhile and doesn't get cancelled like so many other great shows. Korsak and Frost are hilarious and really help round out the estrogen, that is Isles and Rizzoli. I love this sow so much and wish that there were more shows like it. So sick of dumb reality and sitcoms. I hope the writers keep the show going in the direction that it is going in, and don't screw it up.
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