TV-14 | 03 January 2016 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Ehirerapp Waste of time
    Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
    Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
    Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
    O2D FOX continues down it's path of disguising political propaganda as cartoons with this newest abortion of a TV show.I guess if you have a third world political agenda you need to push, putting it in cartoons is a good idea. Since no one with a brain watches cartoons. Sadly, being propaganda isn't even close to the worst thing about this show.Every joke that isn't about whites being stupid and racist is about pop culture. They don't even attempt to write real jokes. Even worse, it's extremely unoriginal. In the first five minutes of the second episode there were at least ten things they stole from other shows. This show is terrible and should never be seen by anyone.
    fodizzo A little too late, I suppose, for nothing "I" have to say is going to resurrect this show, but honestly, when I first saw this show, I didn't want to like it. After ONE episode I was hooked. It was my NEW guilty pleasure. Waited every Sunday for the show and was bummed when there was a gap with nothing new. My son and I (he's 24, not a child) waited eagerly for this show.There seems to be a lot of nay sayers regarding Bordertown.I don't get it. I love it. I would pay money to see more episodes. Would buy a DVD if there were one to be had. Loved the characters, the sight gags (quicksand. Love it.) and the theme. Racism, done well, is funny. Why would any reasonable person pretend it's not.Great show. DAMNED sad to see it gone. Shame on the person who got the plug pulled.Thank you for the show, anyway. Korgoth didn't even get this much air.Fodizzo.
    nzswanny Watched the first episode, and I thought it was pretty good! I don't know about all of these people complaining, but in my opinion, it's the best show Seth MacFarlane has made yet! The good thing about this show is that it doesn't just make fun of makes fun of all countries. And, well, that's what Family Guy and all of other Seth's shows fail to deliver. I was expecting this show to have mixed reviews, but...GAH! It has extremely poor reviews! How can you not like this??? I bet my review gets heaps of hate, but you know, I seriously don't care. People need to stop hating this show! There is nothing wrong with it! I think it deserves 6.7/10! But myself, I think you should give it a watch yourself and make your own opinion, not read others. I just rated it a 10/10 so the rating gets higher.
    Paul Senpai 80% of all the characters are stupid and you hate them 1) because they looks horrible and 2) because they are stupid, but not in the good way like in Family Guy... The jokes are sometimes good, sometimes they are too over the top and sometimes the jokes are just retarded. The art style will most likely off put a lot of people off and maybe the racist jokes will help too... I like the openings with Bud and El Coyote in the in the style of the Road Runner Show.So if you like Family Guy and you are not easily offended you will have a laugh or two. But if you love Family Guy you most likely will hate the show.