Night Stalker
Night Stalker
TV-PG | 29 September 2005 (USA)

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    Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
    AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
    Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
    Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
    preppy-3 I loved the original "Night Stalker" TV series. It played on TV when i was a kid and succeeded in scaring me silly a few times. The female vampire episode gave me nightmares! I was excited when I heard they were "updating" it and I like Stuart Townsend. However they went ahead and changed EVERYTHING that made the original so good.First off--Townsend is a good actor but he's way too young for the role. Darren McGavin was older and much better. Also this crap about his wife being killed by monsters (or something) was pointless. The house he lived in was beautiful but WAY too expensive for a reporter and totally out of place in this context. His two "helpers" were just annoying. The original Kolchak worked alone. The original series also sometimes didn't give you a good clear look at the monsters. I realize this was probably for budget constraints but it worked in the series favor. The glimpses you got were far more scary then shoving it in your face. This redo ignores that and gives us too-perfect monsters and such which you see clearly.This was a redo where everything was changed far too much. I stopped watching after episode 3. Not worth looking for (although I doubt that it's ever going to pop up on TV again). Stick with the original.
    millerman378 The Sci-fi channel is currently running an NS marathon. WHat exactly is the point? One only has to watch the opening five minute of the first installment to realize what an unmitigated FARCE the whole thing is. The original series earned it's richly deserved cult status by blending equal parts humor and horror, and the UPDATED series unfortunately tosses this concept onto the scrap heap. The other critical element that is missing is a little thing called CONFLICT. This new Kolchak has a support system resembling a CHEERING SECTION. His new-age editor is the genteel, paternal sort and any resemblance to the previous series incarnate is virtually impossible to detect. And the idea of partnering him with some attractive but bland eye-candy, as well as a sycophantic toady, is just too laughable for words. Frank Spoonitz deserves the lion's share of blame for this fiasco. He SO desperately wanted to put his own stamp on this series that he forgot to make suspenseful or funny or scary or provocative or just plain mildly interesting. Calling David Chase.
    petra-59 Calling a program "Night Stalker" and the main character Carl Kolchak, does not mean that this program bears any resemblance at all to the earlier series. The brief appearance of Darren McGavin, star of the original series, in the first episode, seems to have been an unsuccessful attempt to give the new show some kind of official approval. But the light-hearted approach and genuine comedy of the original series is completely lacking. Kolchak is saddle with a side-kick and another hanger-on. Vincenzo does nothing and the actor seems to be completely lost. As I suspect is the older viewer who may have seen Kolchak – The Night Stalker and may remember it. The stories are no worse than on many other shows, but then again they are no different from other shows. The on-going problem of who killed Kolchak's wife just gets in the way. And the answer surely is simply that Kolchak had no wife. The result is simply yet another show designed for late-night viewing, which falls into the category of "If you miss it, you won't miss it." My rating of 6 is probably one more than it deserves, and is given in memory of the original and superior series.
    ed-doyle Yes this wasn't anything like the original.. It's a bit darker (quite a bit) unfortunately the original (although dear to my heart) wouldn't play quite as well in today's setting. I watched the entire series straight through after I found it available in itunes. Unfortunately, I've not seen anything for a season 2.. I've the sinking feeling they cancelled this gem. I hope not. If you like the original, and don't mind the liberties they needed to take with this one to make it contemporary. You won't be disappointed. (They of course have a walkon with Darrin McGavin). I truly hope they have this series continue.As far as the characters go, I think they found a good mix.. they sort of set up a Jimmy Olsen, Lois Lane and Clarke Kent type triad, but it's entertaining as opposed to stale.