TV-14 | 20 September 2006 (USA)

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    KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
    SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
    Ploydsge just watch it!
    Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
    jezmdeadman Let's have a go at making a "24" style show! Hmm, I'm sure the idea was great when the writers were slightly drunk at a party. But the constant "useful" circumstances that allow "bad guys" to escape (The assassin lady getting "transported" to the FBI offices ages after she was court with only two agents etc etc... or clichés borrowed from bad action movies gets a little dull after a while. Not surprised it was axed. Now we have to endure the whole series on channel 4 in the UK. Everyones got a dark past, that's original. Everyone know's a little more than they let on, that's original. An expert loner fired by a federal agency, once again... original!
    chrichtonsworld Cancelling this show for whatever reason is beyond me! Luckily somebody put up the remaining episodes for anybody to see! This show was exciting and moving from the start till the end with a hell of a cliffhanger and closure! In that aspect it succeeded where "Vanished" failed! The cast is great and the plot is thrilling! The characters all have their good points and flaws! Even the bad guys show their caring side! Which was refreshing to see! So the people portrayed in the show seem very human! It is easy to sympathize with many of the characters which makes the viewing experience more enjoyable! "Kidnapped" is full of surprises and never gets boring! This series deserved air time and even continuation for an extra season! Why do these so called experts canceling these great shows? Don't be fooled by their judgment! "Kidnapped" is top quality entertainment and drama!
    mascfam Viewers hooked on Kidnapped, which was far-too-quickly yanked from NBC's 2006 fall line-up, watched a superb cast that included Jeremy Sisto, Delray Lindo, Dana Delaney and Timothy Hutton, play out the multiple twists and turns of this suspenseful thriller on-line. Will Denton delivered a focused, utterly believable performance as Leo Cain, the 15-year-old kidnap victim, who played a gripping psychological cat-and-mouse game for survival with his captors, brilliantly portrayed by Robert John Burke and Otto Sanchez. Even secondary characters had gripping back stories and the acting was uniformly excellent. The plot kept viewers guessing and stressing. When and if Sony provides a Kidnapped DVD, SNAP IT UP!
    patsrb28 Given the show was canceled after 3 weeks on NBC, I would assume there would be quite a bit of skepticism around the show. That being said, everyone makes mistakes and NBC made a big one here. Kidnapped has the same complex characters, interesting plots and strong acting that makes 24 such an addictive franchise. But apparently NBC lacks patience and would rather create another lame game show for its programming. Anyway,Kidnapped is a great show. If you like 24, you'll like this show as well. Several strong plot lines - some are more relationship driven (father/son, husband/wife, co-workers, etc.) some are more of your typical action drama related (who are the good guys, who's the mole, etc.), but, for the most part, the plot line are well written and not terribly predictable like many shows on the air these days. The acting is superb as well, throughout the cast. Most of the lead characters are complex and are relatively well developed even though NBC decided to cut the number of episodes down from 22 to 13. If it ever comes out on DVD, check it out.