Darcy's Wild Life
Darcy's Wild Life
| 02 October 2004 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
    Freaktana A Major Disappointment
    Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
    Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
    lunademar1 Darcy's Wild Life, starring the highly gorgeous Sara Paxton, is so incredibly amusing from the way that I view it. The characters and the stories here really sparkle. I discovered the series on NBC one Saturday a few weeks back. The series has become a surefire favorite with me. Paxton is a very cute girl. I hope that her personality never, ever changes! Her attractive looks really captivate me. She also has a vast amount of charisma to go along with her stylish appearance. I hope that this show stays on NBC for a great while because I can't get enough of what this program generally showcases. This is a series that just about anybody of any age can thoroughly enjoy. I love you Sara!
    bozley_sherbert330 I like to watch this show practically every night. In fact, I am watching it RIGHT NOW! I think that it's a really funny show, and I love all of the animals that are on it! It's a funny and optimistic show, that sort of always turns out good in the end. The characters are almost always optimistic and happy, and it's a very cheery show! Sometimes it can be really funny, except for how fake some of the falls that Eli makes! I like this show though, and almost any age can watch it! You will probably think that this show is funny too, and you might find yourself wanting to watch it every night like I do, only quite often repeats ARE on it. You will probably enjoy this show too! The acting in it is also not bad! Which may come as a shock to some people, b/c a lot of the time the acting that teens do on shows is awful!
    astro_92 Darcy's Wild Life, starring the highly gorgeous Sara Paxton, is so incredibly amusing from the way that I view it. The characters and the stories here really sparkle. I discovered the series on NBC one Saturday a few weeks back. The series has become a surefire favorite with me. Paxton is a very cute girl. I hope that her personality never, ever changes! Her attractive looks really captivate me. She also has a vast amount of charisma to go along with her stylish appearance. I hope that this show stays on NBC for a great while because I can't get enough of what this program generally showcases. This is a series that just about anybody of any age can thoroughly enjoy. I love you Sara!
    rspearson Darcy's Wildlife is one of the best shows on Saturday morning. It's hard to not like Sara Paxton and Shannon Collis. They have natural acting ability and their comic timing is perfect. This weeks show was about a Hollywood reporter who was interviewing them with the twisted intent to make Darcy's mother look like a idiot or crazy person. Darcy is shocked that a "entertainment journalist" would stoop so low. Lessons are learned and he is taught one in the end. Great stuff. I really like the bloopers from that weeks taping that are shown at the very end. This series should be a hit and I look to see Sara and Shannon a lot in the future!