Hang Time
Hang Time
| 09 September 1995 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Steineded How sad is this?
    CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
    Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
    Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
    pooh-24 Another one of Peter Engle's predictable boring cookie cutter sitcoms along the lines of Saved By The Bell,New and Old Class,and City Guys.The gimmick here is a boys team with a girl as the star player, Julie Conner(Danielle Deutscher).Man when a girl is the MAN on your boys team then that team is in trouble. Of course Julie and Mary Beth Pepperton(Megan Parlen) are still in high school even though the show started in 1995 and it is now 1999 heading into the year 2000.Same old Peter Engle look at reality from Peter Engle.Deutscher,Parlen,and Amber Barreto are cute to look at though.They are the show's mainstays.The actors that play the boys on the show from the beginning to now aren't worth a mention,that's how faceless they are as a group. Neither Reggie Theus or Dick Buckus could really bring anything to their roles as coach of the team,couldn't have Engle gotten a real actor to do the job?When it tries to be a comedy it falls flat,when it tries its' hand at social commentary remind yourself that this is a Peter Engle sitcom and everything will be all right at the end of the half hour.Hang Time has its' fair share of episodes for syndication.It is time that this lousy show be retired for good.
    Kaos-11 I've been watching Hang Time for a long time now. I've learned a lot through watching the show. Daniella Deutscher and Jay Hernandez are personal favorites of mine. The show really shows teens about life, and going through high school. It shows you the good and the bad. The show covers things like aids, teen pregnancy, dating, and things like that.
    eddietor Of all the american-high-school-coming-of-age-in-a-funny-way this is probably the best, or more correctly the least bad of them. The cast isn't picked by pure looks alone, but their talents (more basketball than acting though). Of course many of the jokes are identical to those of other Peter Angel productions, but still an enjoyable show.
    Film Fan-4 During the first season of "Hang Time," it was a terrific show. Honest, well acted, and it didn't descend into a predictable formula like "Saved by the Bell: The New Class." Now, it's exactly like "Saved by the Bell: The New Class," only not as annoying.I find it strange that Julie Conner and Mary Beth Pepperton are still in high school after 4 years despite the fact that they were sophomores when the show began. Even stranger: Whether Julie was a freshman or sophomre when the show began doesn't matter, either way, she ended up playing at the varsity level all through high school. New players (new cast members) go from JV to varsity, yet Julie never played at the JV level.I still watch it though, mainly because Danielle Deutscher and Megan Parlen are so darn pretty :)BK