Sports Night
Sports Night
| 22 September 1998 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
    Breakinger A Brilliant Conflict
    ChicDragon It's a mild crowd pleaser for people who are exhausted by blockbusters.
    InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
    cathylr Another show by Aaron Sorkin that got cancelled, probably fault of audience. However, as most of his works, it was a clever and sensitive series that brought some thinking about the behind the scene of television. A bit like The Newsroom, it is the kind of shows that I wish we saw more often.
    The_Smoking_GNU My Tweets about Sports Night while binge watching the show:Watching "Sports Night", so many familiar faces.Sports Night, end of season 1, the workplace relationship drama is starting to grate on me.(With hindsight) Y2K episodes in TV shows are really lame.After one and a half seasons of Sports Night I still don't have a clue what good sports reporting is supposed to look like.Sports Night reminds me of how boring American sports are. At this point most of the Sorkinness I enjoyed on The West Wing has vanished."By the way, I met a girl named Suzy today. It sounds like she's the preferred vacation spot for all the men you date."A "Hooker with a Heart of Gold" storyline.It seems I'm not the only one who is watching Sports Night / The Newsroom and thinks, was I wrong to love The West Wing?Sorkin's Sports Night is just another mediocre show, but the scene involving the punchline "You're wearing my shirt, Gordon." is magnificentVerdict on Sports Night: Above average relationship (comedy)-drama with likable characters but no unique features.
    katycame I loved this series when it first started and having just watched it all again, I still love it. Amazing characters, great story lines... this show kept a person who is not interested in sports engaged every time.And in my opinion, the episode where Dan gets writer's block, remains one of the funniest episode of TV ever. Watch it and see if you agree.Aaron Sorkin is an inspired show creator and it is a testament to his ability to pick winners that so many of the actors he selected for this show, even the guest shots, have gone on to have amazing careers. Even in other Sorkin shows.
    elvis_uit_gent I've recently started getting into the mid 90's - late 90s television shows. I had no idea what I was looking for, so I just googled "best television shows '90s". I have stumbled upon series as 'Freaks & Geeks', 'Undeclared', '21 Jump Street', ... I had never heard of these shows - I'm Belgian, so that explains it, in case you were wondering - but was pleasantly surprised. I also discovered 'Sports Night', which carried the tag line 'It's about sports... the same way Charlie's Angels was about law enforcement'. I'm really liking this show. It described the interdependency of co-workers at a news station. Their quarrels and affairs, mostly amusing (some get boring, but hey, what are you gonna do about it?). I watched Studio 60 this year, and considering how Aaron Sorkin created both shows, I have the feeling he recycled an old idea to try to make it better. Well, he failed. This show doesn't try to give the characters unnecessary depth. It doesn't come in waves. It just is. The characters develop what little they do in a normal, realistic way. No epiphany's, or whatever. The show is entertaining, funny... just good actually. Only thing that bugs me - and it bugs me real bad - is the laugh-track. Don't do it. I know it was common back then, but still. It is senseless. Even though the track isn't omnipresent in the show, it's still quite annoying. It gets the score down from an 8 to a 7. I was born in '88, so I still got a whole lot of 90s-series catching up to do. But I'll stick with this one for a little while longer.