Rocket Power
Rocket Power
TV-Y7 | 16 August 1999 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
    Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
    Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
    Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    Illyngophobia Rocket Power is basically a show about four typical preteens.They are the sports fanatics who love to be better then the others.We got Otto,an airhead who wants to go big.Reggie,who is the smart reporter,but also the surfer girl.Twister is the silly,random jackass of the group and Sam is the super smart kid,who has more book smarts then street smarts.As if I haven't seen this before! Now,I lived in a "ghetto" town in Pennslyvania,so I don't know what life is like in New Jersey or California.but looking,it makes me not want to go.To me,its only showing that people on the coast states are stereotypical idiots who care more about sports and kicking ass,then anything else.I know,it deals with lots of issues,like breaking the rules,being carefree and being kids,but for God's sake,what the hell!? I might be so wrong,because I haven't seen this show in years,but how is this realistic?And what the hell is with the slang?I'm around lots of gangs nowadays,and I've never heard anyone say I've never heard the word "shoobee"or whatever it was.Even when I was at the beach in Maryland,I never heard one surfer kid say that.And what's with he word "lame-o"?Honestly,these kids are like 13 or 15 and they are still using baby ghetto talk.I haven't said "lame-o" since I was like firkin ten! All an all,I hate this show.It's not as good as Nick was making it out to be.If they laid off the weak and stupid slang,and stopping with the stereotypical comments (like all skaters are stupid,all neighbors are creepy pedos,smart kids are losers,older siblings are bullies and all that drama).But again,the point is,this show had lots f potential,but this totally blew up.If I want to see cartoon kids skating,I can watch Scarred or go see some of my friends go skateboarding.
    mirosuionitsaki2 What's the fun of watching a cartoon about a boy who gets grounded for every little thing he does? It's basically watching a boy get tortured by a man.The show is lame. The catchphrases are lame. "Radical!" Like I never heard that before. I don't have an interest in surfing, skating, or anything of the sort. This show is just as lame as a show can get. I wonder if they still air it.I do not recommend this show for anyone without an interest in sports. Even if you do have an interest in sports, watching a little boy get grounded every episode is not entertainment.
    Vincent Romeijn This show is so bad. I think Klasky and Csupo haven't heard that animation must be funny for kids. Well, this is certainly NOT funny. The animation is bad, the story is bad... and the characters are bad. Only Tito can sometimes be funny. But almost everything in Rocket Power sucks ass. A better name for it:Rocket Crash. I don't have other words for it.Because Otto is dumb and not cool,Twister is a son of a bitch,Reggie is older but NOT cooler,and Sammie is a nerd.And the plots are ridiculous, and there obviously isn't any timeline in the show. In one episode they need money, so they sell they're Shore Suck beach restaurant, but in other episodes they HAVE a cottage in the mountains, where they go to in vacations or something like that, and it's probably really theirs, since they always go to the exact same. Why not just sell that?!It's no wonder they cancelled it. It was hilariously bad and super annoying. End of comment.
    Katie (riverstyxdriad) I did indeed gave this show a fair shot. I watched the first episode of this... and I was indeed, very disgusted. I was very disgusted because: -animation was choppy, -the only girl was sports obsessed. Not every girl is sport obsessed. Not every girl is fashion obsessed. We are a nice blend of both, actually, but every one seems to miss that point. -the words they used... Squid, airinatation, it seems to be that the editors are trying way too hard to be hip, and last but not least- OTTO.Otto is the most annoying boy I think I have EVER heard of. All he talks about is sports, which he might be good at, but he cant seem to remember that there are better things than 'getting the most air in a sweet half pipe' or something equally ridiculous.In conclusion, if you are a big sports fanatic, go ahead and watch the show, but don't expect anything but sports. *shudder*