| 06 September 2004 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
    Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
    Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
    Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
    ryanmm626 I was laying in bed one night and was flipping around some channels. I then came to YTV and 15/Love. Strangely enough, being a lover of tennis and writing and a teen myself, this show never really appealed to me before. In all honesty, the one thing or rather, person that caught my attention was Cody(Laurence LeBoef)and I experienced my first attraction to a T.V star. But as I began to watch it more and more, I really grew an appreciation to the show. Although I find that the relationships in the show, except for Cody and Squib, are all shortlived and one-shot, the teens experience a lot of things teens nowadays feel: Competition, respect for you friends and falling in love. Quite personally, to round this off, I say move over O.C., take a hike Dawson's Creek. Teen comedy and drama, thy name is 15/Love.
    ashleyrules15 Well where to start? OK well sometime in May my dad was watching 15/lvoe cuz there was nothing else on so i sat down and watched it with him and to my deepest surprise i enjoyed it a lot so i kept watching it and now in December i am so totally addicted 8 months of addiction to the show and i still am, i got addicted very fast i totally love the relationships goign on here especially codya nd squib i love there realtionship so much it is so cute.OK now about the show This show is a teen drama show, it is about kids going to a tennis school and trying to become tennis stars, but along the way they deal with everything that life is about they show you that sometimes well a lot of the time you have to do your best to succeed to the best of your ability to make things happen which means you have to try, try and try again and much more.Personally i found this show to be one of the best i have watched, it deals with everything that i am going through being 14 year old girl,and that and a whole bunch of kids are going through out there. It has Love,Family,Sadness,Problems and more. When i watch the show i feel an odd attraction to it, some times it makes me feel like i'm right there watching the scene in real life thats how much it really gives to people.This show is spectacular, and the cast are amazing, all of them new and old, personally i think they are great actors/actresses because they feel there part and get into it. Its filled with love and compassion for life itself. They've even went through death and they still carry on with a wonderful show and you can tell that the characters love what they do because they seem to be happy deeply inside.I think the characters are wonderful they all seem like they have a big heart and care a lot for people and there fans. Even though it is just another T.V show it really doesn't seem like one it seems like an actually scenario in daily life and sometimes gets you very emotional like when something bad happens a lot of the fans cry from what i have heard because they make it seem so real and everything.Overall i think this is a show to watch i promise if you watch it you won't regret watching it.I also want to say thank you to the cast and creators of this show for making it what it is.sincerely~x0x~Ashley
    hogband I actually got started when a friend sent me to play the games on the website www.15love.tv, but then I checked out the behind the scenes stuff and the trailers and thought it might be worth it to give the show a shot. The characters are pretty stereotyped but that's what makes for good comedy and they have just enough depth to provide some good drama from time to time. New characters are being introduced, in part because 2 of them died (and to whoever said the official site should have a tribute, they DO) but also because 2 others are leaving. The pace is fast and the show really jumps at you, so if like me you want some off-time after a long Monday, the show's perfect.
    got_a_penny One night, bored and alone in my house, I was flipping through the channels and I stumbled across this show. I was expecting one of those classic overly cheesy (and generally bad) YTV shows that that station simply must be infamous for by now. Instead, what I found was a rather interesting, and of course, overly cheesy YTV show. But I ended up being really drawn to the characters. This is not just my random attraction to Squib talking either. I have actual emotions invested into this show, and frankly, that's always a good thing. Without a doubt, the saddest moment in 15/love history is the death of Meghan and Sebastien. This two part episode occurred because the actors portraying them actually passed on in real life. Them being my age adds an extra feeling of sadness. None the less, the show is well done, and if they must replace these two amazing people with anyone, I'm glad they replaced them with Tannis and Cameron. (No matter how much I loved Meghan and Sebastien, and desperately wished for the romance between the two to finally take off...)