Phil of the Future
Phil of the Future
TV-PG | 18 June 2004 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    VividSimon Simply Perfect
    Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
    Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
    Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
    daddykingpig This is an excellent charming series.Better than 99 per cent of all the rest that is on television. The acting is fine, the props are very ingenious. Phil was a fine actor, Keeley was a great actress. The rest of the cast blended well together. I know it has a simple meaning to it. That is something I believe we need today. Truly an excellent show. No idea why it was canceled. I guess not enough watched it. Still it was for younger members of our society. But we older ones got a kick out of the plots. The caveman was an excellent idea. And having the school H.G. Wells High School) as their high school was genius. I hope it comes back,but alas like all canceled it will go to rerun heaven.
    Seth Nelson How can any sane mother and child on this planet actually approve of this stuff, HUH????? (no offense) I mean, a dull NON-Disney Channel show about high school (or was it middle school?????), cheerleaders, dates, kissing, making out, bad hidden stuff, terrible lessons, all from the mind of Anne Sweeney (aka "Mrs. I FIND UN-MTV INAPPROPRIATE FOR MY KIDS, SO I'LL TAKE THESE CLASSICS AND SHOVE IT!!!!!"), who constantly recycles the same story, same motifs, same BORING stuff, etc.?????I'm just asking to all the 43-year old hick cheerleader moms who live in Middle of Nowhere, Texas, who drives the Suburban out to the high school every Friday night to see her 14-year old cheerleader daughter (Ashley, Brittany, Courtney, Tiffany, whatever!!!!!) cheer on her football team and have her prop her up on that date with that hunka-hunka quarterback star out to the Dairy Queen after the game: WHY IS THIS DECENT Disney????? HUH? HUH?????I mean, why watch this when there's old stuff like "Chip 'N Dale Rescue Rangers" (Now THAT'S good TV!!!!!)????? Why would you watch this greasy-haired excuse of a show????? The commercials are misleading, and isn't there teen stuff on, like, the CW or something?????HELLO!!!!! Am I the only one thinking clearly here????? PUH-LEEZE tell me I'm not just the only one here wondering, quoting David Letterman, "IS ZORRO ON????? ARE YOU COOKIN' BEANS????? WHAT TIME IS IT????? !" LOLP.S. I've just seen the last episode, and for you Bush-lovers, I'll watch where I sit in the classroom so that I won't end up locking lips at the end!!!!! LOL
    Bradley Baum This is a superb show! It has a wonderful script, a wonderful cast and a fantastic plot! Whilst heading home from a holiday in the Stoneage period, the Diffy's get stranded in the current time frame (a time frame that is 118 years into their past) and must try to fit in as best as they can. This is done extreemely well indeed. In fact I would go so far as to say that they managed to fit in a bit too. well. There are good points and band points to that. It would be nice if more was made of them being out of time and out of place such as having a few more futuristic gadgets around the house that have to be explained away as being normal things used in the current time zone or things that are futuristic but actually COULD be used in the current time. Such as a hover chair that rises and moves the person from one room to another just by speech or thought before lowering itself down and making sure the person sitting in it is comfortable. Or a thing that looks like a telephone on the outside but inside it is all sorts of wizardry that means it could say, make real things appear when a button on it is pressed and the item is spoken into the telephone. The time machine is a bit like that idea in the sense that on the outside it looks like a mobile home but the inside it definitely isn't! More of the supporting cast and a bit less of the main two would be better to. The cast are amazing. They all play their parts superbly well, that's why I want more of the supporting cast on screen. The order of screen time is this: Ricky Ullman and Allyson Michalka get the vast majority of it followed by Amy Bruckner and then Craig Anton and Lise Simms But I would like to see more of the parents and the sister. The screen time in some episodes could be equal so that their characters could bounce off each other more often and Bruckner and especially Simms and Anton could show their characters off more. Thank the lord Disney thought about us adults as well as the children when casting! Michalka is seriously pretty (as is her sister Amanda but her sister isn't on this program and she is younger by a little more than 2 years) Ullman is seriously handsome and both make great pin-ups and for the teens to fawn and drool over and us adults can do the same with the parents! Anton is a handsome looking man but for me (being male) Simms is just SO pretty! What a shame I'm too old to have pin-ups on my wall! Lol. Ah well, such is life. You Must Watch This Programme! OOhh. I almost went without mentioning the last supporting cast member, from the and also directs some of the programmes. He is J-P Manoux and plays the part of Curtis, a stowaway from the Diffy's holiday and the part of the slightly effeminate Vice Principle Hackett (if there is a Vice Principle then surely there is a principle? Why do we not see him or her?) and does both wonderfully. We see a fair bit of Hackett and not enough of Curtis who is even more out of place than the Diffy's are in this time period and I'd like to see more of that explored and for both characters to get in total an equal amount of screen time as everyone else overall. Like I said before, YOU MUST WATCH THIS PROGRAMME as it is Superb! Don't just watch one or two and think oh, I don't like this. If you do that then you must keep watching it as it WILL grow on you! There will be those that like me, will watch just one programme and be instantly hooked! I give this a very deserved 10/10 as unfortunately not everything can be achieved in around half an hour! This program easily has the potential to get turned into a full-length feature film and I for one hope it does!
    khecht2 When I first heard of this show back in 2004 I couldn't wait, but after seeing the first episode I was so let down. The plot of the show (a family from the future getting stuck in the present) is both creative and original. But were they went with the plots of the episodes is what made the show so bad. Some of the gadgets are also a little too crazy, such as the giggle. As the show progressed Pim went overboard with her crazy ideas and both Keely and Phil got a bit annoying. So did the mom and dad. This show isn't entirely bad, but if something like Drake and Josh, Zoey 101, The Suite Life of Zack and Cody, Life with Derek, or That's So Raven is on watch that instead.