Once Upon a Time
Once Upon a Time
TV-PG | 23 October 2011 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
    Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
    Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
    Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
    cmorrisroberts I absolutely loved series 1-6. I couldn't stop watching. I think I must have watched them all in less than a month. It took me to a land far away, and into that little fantasy world that's not reality world. BUT. I'm sad to say that series 7 is such a disappointment. I'm only on episode 6, and instead of watching it I'm writing this review. I wish I was one of these people that can give up and didn't have to watch the entire series of programmes. I'm going to pretend, after watching series 7, that they all lived happily ever after, after series 6.
    annsquake First of all, the pilot of this show is wonderful. In fact, the entire first season of OUAT is amazing. I'd say up until the end of Season 4, there's nothing I can truly belittle OUAT for. But Season 5 was a harsh turning point in the show for me, for various reasons. The first half of the season was alright, but the second half just meddled with the show's physics and professionalism a little bit. They made some decisions which were in short, questionable, and its unsurprising that they continued making similar choices in the next few seasons. The Season 7 reboot was especially questionable, and whilst I wasn't completely opposed to the idea of some characters returning, I feel like there are many more logical ways they could have handled it. Although, despite it's flaws, I love this show and I think anyone interested in fantasy shows will agree that it's definitely worth watching
    john-emanuelb Season 7 ruined the whole show. Im almost angry they ruined a good show.There could have been so many BETTER endings for the show.Season 7 is missing everything season 1-6 had.
    maximedebelie At first I was really sceptical about season 7, I was still upset by all the characters that were gone. But after watching episode 4 (which is still my favourite episode from this season) I was sold. The story got much better because you get familiar with the new characters and start liking them, even the bad guys! The things I liked the most about this season were the character of Adelaide Kane (Ivy Belfrey/Drizella) and the romance between Robin and Alice. I am super sad that we don't get to see more of these new characters. I plee for a spin-off with the newcomers!