2 Broke Girls
2 Broke Girls
TV-14 | 19 September 2011 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
    Luecarou What begins as a feel-good-human-interest story turns into a mystery, then a tragedy, and ultimately an outrage.
    Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
    Celia A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
    kmk-92803 It's definitely a series you'll love or hate, you either like the daft humour or take life too seriously. I love the show, the characters are fantastic and none of it too heavy or drawn out.
    Buzz (DaytonaBob) This is a long one.I really enjoyed this show. It was mindless fun with a lot of sexual innuendo in it and had some real heart when needed. The chemistry between the two leads was great. The network should NOT be allowed to cancel shows that have been on for several seasons and have a cliffhanger. Shows should at least be given a few episodes to wrap things up. I am so $)&$))* SICK of networks doing this. I really am. The show obviously had to have one more season as it was close to wrapping up. The network should tell the shows at least 3 to 4 episodes in advance to have a series finale. Those always get higher ratings as well. A good set of agents should have that written into the contracts that if it goes for two or more episodes the studio MUST allow for series finale episodes. Or have a fine of twice the cost of wrap up finales. The show had decent ratings s well. TV wants to know why they are losing viewers. IT IS THE ATTITUDES towards views of P*** on the fans we don't care about them. Even the shows stars said they should have been allowed to have a finale.HOWEVER I felt what was hurting the show in the long run especially in the last two seasons was the nonstop appearances of Sophie and Oleg. The show became more and more the Sophie and Oleg show. The two girls could NOT do anything without those two morons showing up and ruining the scenes.When they went to Hollywood I thought GREAT; we will have shows without that creepy woman and then they HAD to throw that idiot character in , to once again ruin the scenes. She had the most annoying voice in TV history. She was rude,nasty to Caroline, and acted like the world was hers to walk all over. Overall she was mean and very selfish. The character was the kind where she would NEVER have any friends in real life.I got to the point where it was all I could do to not scream at the TV "WHY DOES THIS BEYOTCH have to be in every freaking scene??????"For someone who was supposed to have money she should have moved away.BUT that is not the only complaint. It got old that the girls constantly got shot down no matter what they did and some of it was incredibly unrealistic like their trip to see Randy. I know TV is supposed to let you suspend your disbelief but that trip was very badly written. The show runners lied to us about the location of their first shop making it look like it was in some alley way. It was not until the last episode with the shop that we saw it was ON A BUSY STREET when a car crashed into it. They should have been doing gangbusters business. Cupcake business is still hot and was so during that run. AND they had endoresment from Martha Stewart which should have sent the business into overdrive.LOVED EARL.BUT the nonstop putting down of Han got old and older and very old. He saved their butts nonstop but they did nothing but slam him. He employed them and all they did was put him down. THEY never treated him with one iota of respect. Any employee did that they would be out of work within five minutes. It was funny occasionally but it was nonstop. Then the idiocy of us expecting that the redo of their shop actually cost 220 THOUSAND dollars? Bull. At that point at least they should have gotten new wardrobes. The killer for me was Carolines new love interest. NO chemistry at all. NONE. He was creepy looking and what is WITH ALL THE MEN ON TV NOT SHAVING?How is it they ALL have permanent 4 to 5 day growths. His especially looked dirty like hadn't taken a shower or washed in days and it was patchy and scroungy looking. Her over the top gushing looked so fake. Seriously it was just the worst acting ever. Candy Andy was probably the best guy and there was chemistry between those two. Now to Max, her nonstop degradation of everyone also got old. She was just plain mean most of the time. Her character NEVER showed any empathy for anyone but Caroline and Earl. She was mean to Han, Oleg, and every customer that ever walked in the door. Cynicism only goes so far in a character.They needed to soften her up more often.AND the network was such AHOLES for cancelling, as they always do, right when it was going to have a last season and tie things up. IT should have ended with the 2 Broke Girls erased and replaced with 2 Rich Girls as their Dessert Bar became a world wide franchise with the last cash register saying 200,000,000.I wish TBS had picked it up for a last 12 episodes since they make money in the syndication rights.Despite my criticism over all I enjoyed the show. The characters of Caroline and Earl were the saving grace of the show which evened out Max's meanness Han should have been treated better but he was still a great addition to the show. Give him a hot Korean woman who dares the girls to put him down anymore. Sophie was the one who killed the show in my not so humble opinion.
    TheBigSick This television series "2 Broke Girls" is a really embarrassing situation comedy, in the sense that the jokes in it are not funny at all and are mostly predictable at the same time. Also, the style of the television series is so old- fashioned that I thought it might be produced in the 1980s or 1990s.
    MKUltraViolet This is one of the most atrocious pieces of television that I have ever seen. It had a fun and quirky vibe, so I gave it a try and I was so disappointed. Our two central characters are a poor party girl and a formerly rich preppy girl, then we've got the token black character, the token Asian character, the large-breasted blonde "bimbo", and the creepy pervert. None of these characters are original in any way at all. Also there is a horse that just hangs out by the apartment?? There is close to no story, other than the main "poor girls sell cupcakes" theme. Why does this show still exist?