TV-MA | 07 August 2005 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    VividSimon Simply Perfect
    Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
    Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
    Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
    deboraheden Ok so now I know why I never watched this until now. So many flaws in this show but I was bored and wanting something to zone out with so watched the whole series on Netflix . I rally must have been bored there are parts that are ok and if you have nothing better to watch it's watchable
    bg11215 I started binge watching it on Netflix and was engrossed in it for the first couple seasons. And I laughed my a** off a couple times, despite the occasional strong foul language and unbelievably explicit sex scenes, most of which I fast-forwarded through. But somewhere around season 4 or 5 the story became muddled, and the character of Nancy became weak, completely spineless and let's people walk all over her...definitely NOT an attractive trait in a lead character, and definitely not the Nancy from previous seasons. I'm now midway through season 6 and it has taken a complete nose dive. The writing is awful, the scenes drag on and on...though the directing probably has something to do with it (but the writing really got bad). The sixth season is just painful to watch. It's like the writers had no idea what to do and just came up with filler in order to stall. Not sure if I can watch the rest of it. It just falls completely flat.
    Perse_phone I'm currently binge-watching this show and I'm at season 5 episode 7 right now, just a fyi.The show is pretty interesting and watchable, and binge-watch worthy -- I'm living proof of that. To be honest, I was pretty surprised how good the show is, especially considering the fact that this is a 20 min per episode TV series. And I'm very much not a fan of those, because I usually find them to be shallow and generally lacking in depth. So what I was expecting was a silly sitcom-like show with some drama... and man, was I wrong!I'm seriously impressed by how much "goodness" can be packed into a mere 20 min episode. And also by the character and plot development.Especially Nancy's development is very intriguing and interesting, as is Shane's. So, not gonna lie, I slowly but surely grew to hate & detest Nancy more and more throughout the series, with each episode. She is a poisonous, narcissistic ȼǚnt who destroys and ruins everything she touches. She brings everyone down with her, but surprisingly, is always the (only) one who comes out ahead of all the shīț she rains down on everybody else. It is baffling. That woman might have been likable in the beginning of the show, but I'm beginning to reach the point where I'm starting to wonder if I can keep watching a show with a main character who became so unlikable that I find myself hoping for her to be finally killed off to end all the suffering she's causing for everybody else.Especially in situations in which she's whining about the unfairness of it all and "why is it always her that attracts so much shīŧ", and really, "what did she ever do to deserve this"?! Boo hoo! What a self-involved, egoistic ⓑītch. Honestly, the only characters I still like are Andy (what a lovable, stupid goof) and Silas. Can't really make up my mind about Shane, I miss the sweet kid with that intact "moral compass"--although let's be honest, with that mother the kid never stood a chance.... Hopefully he'll change for the better again... there are still 2 seasons left after all.So, you see my dilemma. On the one hand we deal with an absolutely unlikable and intolerable main character who I couldn't care less about at this point. Who really should be dead a 100 times over by how reckless and stupid she acts. Who is a danger to her kids. Who is an grade-A aƨƨhole. On the other hand it's exactly her unpleasantness as a person that drives the show...Nevertheless, I'd really like her to get back some redeeming quality so that I might be able to start caring about her character again... I mean, I'm not new to anti-heroes as main characters. Hell, "Filth" is my favourite movie of all times, so yes, I'm definitely not averse to MCs being total aƨƨhole. But somehow Nancy is starting to get on my nerves...Nevertheless, this TV series is interesting, refreshingly unique, entertaining and manages to keep me intrigued. And engrossed. So, all in all an enjoyable show so far.
    c-howard84 I tried. I really really tried to give this show a shot. I heard good things about it and was ready to take the journey but I just can't go on any further. I was expecting something like Californication or Orange is the New Black but it's not even close. The storyline is sub par and the acting is worse. What they tried to do was make a heartfelt yet comedic story about a widowed mother of 2 who struggles day to day and has to rely on selling drugs to make ends meet. It failed miserably in my opinion. Mary-Louise Parker is so not believable in this role. I feel as the story continues it shows how poorly written her character is. She goes from a weak-willed pot dealer who can't control her children and has no friends except for the people she buys her drugs from and her accountant to an even less willed pot dealer who can't control her kids. No plot points. No story arch. Just a half hour of nonsense every episode with not one snicker or chuckle. I struggled through 3 seasons and had to stop. I honestly can't believe I made it that far. I'm really not sure what genre they were writing for here. It's not dramatic, it's not a comedy, it's definitely not suspenseful, it's not slapstick... The only thing remotely funny about this show is the character development.... And what I mean by that is there is NONE! There are MUCH better shows out there to spend time on. I for one do not care how this story ends. I am just very surprised so many people love it. The only reason it gets a 2 is because of Kevin Nealon. Without him I would've given it a 1.