Doctor Foster
Doctor Foster
| 09 September 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
    Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
    SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
    Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
    purhapsisupose Season one was killer. A constant uphill battle of emotion and build like I've never seen. By episode 4 you are 100% invested in the storyline and by episode 6 you actually begin to share the burden of pain that the characters feel. The writing is unbelievable and the director has encapsulated the strife of the engulfing plot line so much so that you begin to build with anxiety as the characters do. I was sold after season one but when I binged my way through to episode one of season two, words cannot describe the blast of complexity that I was left with after one single episode. This show has created a realm of inconceivable distrust but in such a dramatic realm. People say that books helps you transend to different worlds, well...this show takes you beyond what any written word could possibly do. Bravo.
    accentexpert I specifically came and pulled out my laptop in order to review this series. That either proves that I have too much time on my hands, or that this series was so bad I felt it was only fair to let others know. You decide. It started off really well, the acting was (for the most part) quite good. Suranne Jones does a good job at making her character likeable at the beginning and the story is quite gripping. After season 1 it all got a bit much and I found myself constantly regretting the decision to keep going. The storyline got ridiculous, none of the characters were likeable anymore and the script was awful. Her face also started to annoy me.Please don't even get me started on the ending. At one point I found myself hoping that everyone would just die so at least the ending would have given me some sort of closure. THE VERY END SCENE WHERE SHE TALKS TO THE CAMERA COMPLETELY INSULTED MY INTELLIGENCE. What the hell were they thinking? That ending was so crap that I would have probably preferred my TV blew up and I was never able to watch anything again. Do yourself a favour and spend 10 hours with your family instead of watching this utter crap.
    jogreaves-22782 I don't understand why there are negative reviews of this drama. I found it riveting and very polished. Great storyline and performances. Hope there's a 3rd series
    ematerso We did hang in there to finish this series but it was really bad, in every way. The main characters were absolutely vile and inconsistent. People with responsible important jobs acted like they worked part time in high school, bouncing in and out and all around. Continuity was confusing and actions were inconsistent, the main character, Gemma, walks at night to a house in the country that during the daytime was a long drive! She then walks back to the center of town where she hails a cab to take her home. People sold their houses with nary any notice and same houses were occupied in a day or two with new owners. The main purpose of Gemma's life seems to be the destruction of her ex-husband, who in flash backs seems to be the light of her life! Gemma moves out of town as far as a hotel on the edge Gemma brews up a suicide potion for Simon and then at breakfast discusses this with him in front of their son, Tom. All I can say about this that may be hopeful is that I hope the writer of this miserable piece of trash has successfully exorcized what must be some demons from a horrible child hood.