The Island with Bear Grylls
The Island with Bear Grylls
| 05 May 2014 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
    Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
    Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
    Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
    regonas Men without women - thriving. Women without men - starving.
    mognam It is really disappointing that another fake real life show has been made. I wonder if Bear Grylls and the producers of this show take the general public for idiots.The people on the show are under no real threat of their lives. There are professionals there with them to help in any given situation. The most annoying part of this show is the manufactured tension.Just do a google search on 'The island Bear Grylls fake' and you will have answers on how the show is really done. It gets 2 stars instead of 1 because some of the things I viewed were so stupid it made me laugh. 2 stars for the laugh.Bear Grylls has a history of doing fake TV and this show has not helped him one bit.Hang your head in shame Mr Grylls.
    James Moore I'm so so so disappointed with this show. Instead of being about a group of people surviving on an island (as the show says it is), this show/season is just about a bunch of people sitting on the beach for 6 weeks bitching about each other and slowly starving to death. Below is a list of what is in the show that should not be, and a list of what is missing.Things that ruin this show for me: People sitting around bitching about each other. All the time. Waiting 10 days before looking for food? So much sitting doing nothing, waiting to starve. So many camera shots of rude jokes, innuendos, loose bikinis, people pooping etc. What has any of that got to do with surviving on an island? 70% of each episode is like a cheap knock-off of "I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here".Things that are missing from this show: Where is the "right lets get water, and make beds, shelters, traps (land and sea). Where is the trying to "thrive"? Where is their urgency? Where is making things? Beds, Huts? Traps traps traps. Every day they should be proactive. Why no scavenger teams being sent out after storms? To find nets, ropes, pots, bottles, etc.? I could go on and on. There is just no proactive survival at all in this show/season 3. It's just cheap girl fights and bitching and drama. Like some cheap soap. (But on an island)From day 3 or 4 onward they could have had food most (if not every) day. Lovely huts with raised beds, etc.If it was me and my mates stuck on an island, we would go go go go until we had pretty much built a house, had a water and food supply and then sit back and enjoy.Come on Bear Grylls, make a real island survival show and less of this reality TV drama rubbish. Ps: Good job it's only 6 weeks of survival and not 10 weeks, because they would all be dead.
    Harhaluulo54 *This review will be mostly about comparing the two teams and their surviving.* The Island with Bear Grylls is like 2 separate series. We have men's island and women's island. Men are there to survive and experience one of kind challenge. Women are there to act in scripted drama and to be helped by production crew to make their sun holiday more effortless. To avoid misunderstandings, I am not saying that all women are completely useless and stupid in a survivor situation, but let's put it this way: I have never seen so much pain in man's face when Bear Grylls had to say "Seems like the old stereotype about women being worse survivors than men was a myth." In terms of surviving, the women's island is a good example of what to not do. And men's island showing how you could do things. All of the survivors are pretty much lost at first, but men's island quickly catches up in their 6 week adventure. They build their camp and sleeping places above the ground after the first insect attack, soon after entering the island. Women do the same thing 5 weeks later after suffering from constant insect attacks, and even then only because of the pressure of the producing team. They couldn't have done it in the beginning because they spent 5 days walking in circles in the forest. On small island. Where you could see the coastline by walking less than an hour straight. It took them 9 days to do the same men did in half a day; put up a simple camp. The women surviving seems like a comedy at first. You laugh and then later on you get mad at how stupid and useless they can be. They lack completely and utterly on so many levels and in so many sense, that one can only wonder how on earth they are still alive. But then you remember the time when fishermen came to bring them fish. And production team gave them pet pigs to eat. And when they 'found' canned beans. They suffered from hunger for a week, went to the forest for 5 minutes and found potatoes for days. They destroyed their water boiling can by filling it with rotting pig meat, they would have died without the help of the team once again. Good thing the myth was destroyed. Maybe he meant it in the opposite sense? Yes, that must be it. Meanwhile men learn about surviving and get good at it. You rarely see such a high spirit and efficient team work. Men did so much more than women that when men were at day 9, women were on day 30 because there simply wasn't anything to show from woman team. Other than them being lost, they mainly bath in the sun and complained. Or tried to build a shelter from 10 pieces of wood, only to see it falling and breaking instantly. The men island was a feel good experience. We saw such an amazing development, so many great situation. And simply stunning and memorable personalities, good and likable people. A team. They catch a ducking huge crocodile and eat it. These ordinary men. Do I have to say more? The woman island was a drama about whining, about being weak, about overcoming some mental obstacle(?) By bathing in the sun(?) And eating food given for them.All in all I can recommend watching the second season of this show, but be warned, the women will surely catch you off guard, and the men will become your friends.