| 30 July 2013 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
    BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
    Pluskylang Great Film overall
    Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
    John Milacek Unfortunately right at episode 5 I started having doubts about the sincerity of this 'competition'. All of the contestants are paid and one pair, the twins are actually well known actors which are given twice the opportunity to eliminate the strongest, but according to producer obviously least appealing contestants. Capture could be a great show if thee would be real contestants selected through a real selection process. The basic rules are OK but the extra tricks just would turn you off with their stupidity and I'd suggest if the producers are to set this for a real competition to drop these off. Overall the show manages to trick you to think it for real and it provides good suspension but also some annoying parts just to make it a show.
    gregcault Overall this was a pretty exciting show designed to appeal to teens into the hunger games as well as adults.I watched it with an 11yo and we both loved the excitement of choosing our favorite team (Teal) and hating the bad guys (Blue). We were impressed with Red, Green and White teams. The Black team was hilarious.It has a nice mix of physical competition and social game though the former is more important. If you go back and watch the first Survivor you can see how a Season 1 can evolve into a great series.There are some improvements to be made, allow intelligence, strategy and tactics to impact the competition more than pure athletic prowess but overall it was an exciting and fun show and I hope they go on to make a Season 2 with a bigger prize.
    standatease I was a bit skeptical at first but I quickly warmed to this show. The camera-work is very shaky, they do repeat a lot of footage and monologue but its not that annoyingThe show is basically an escape and evade competition with the winner getting a cash prize. The prey have a head start and the capture team has to capture 2 teams in 2 days or face expulsion. There is a vote on who leaves out of the 2 captured teams.There are a few other mechanics, sabotage, food checkpoints etc but its fairly simple.The shows designers do a good job of quickly wearing the contestants down so the are tired, hungry and irritable. They sleep out in the open and get minimal rations. The relationships the teams have with each other are fun to watch too. When the gay fella from the green team puts the hammer down on the blue team, it was so funny.I would like to see some variations on the theme. having the capture and prey teams starting at different locations. Having objectives the prey teams must reach, prey teams need to cap a flag for food but when they have the flag they are on capture teams radar. Etc etc.I like it but I feel the shaky camera and lack of variation on the theme could be lowering the score.
    michaelduve56 Just wondering if the "Prey" (those being hunted) are allowed to grab the "talon" and take it from the "Hunters" and keep it away from them until the clock runs out for the day? Or turn it on the hunters and tag them Out? Can you run up and tackle a hunter and knock the talon loose and hide it? What if the hunter is close to you and you punch them or hit them with a club and keep them from getting to you? Can you climb a tree and sit up there with a sharp stick all day and keep them from climbing up after you? What if three or four or all the teams being hunted surrounded the hunters and tied them up and took away the talon? Just wondering, I never heard the MC recite a list of rules before the game started?