Naked and Afraid XL
Naked and Afraid XL
TV-14 | 08 November 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Nonureva Really Surprised!
    Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
    AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
    Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
    ahmedlemsellek I am so upset about the xl version basically it starts like a real show in season 1 i liked it i guess its just because i didnt get used to it yet . But after the next seasons especially the season 4 its so irritating and makes me so mad that its all scripted edited and manipulated . You see the survival situation goes okay with the tribe and from nowhere they decide to just start high school drama for noreason , for the producers it's more like wanting a drama show in a wildness with naked people more than creating a real tv show that intertanes people and make people learn some stuff about survival technics . I am at episode 9 season 4 rn and I I am just so mad . Making up arguments for no reason just to make the show more dramatic however sometimes they have food and water and good shelter but they start to fight for the stupid reasons and its so obvious thats it is fake .
    Ivan Najakov If you liked Naked & Afraid, or seeing someone's butt crack, you will love this show. To be fair they were shooting for 40 days, they can't do a perfect job every day. I guess they did not want to be accused of plagiarizing other "reality" shows so they did what they could to make this show unique. Filming 12 people for 40 days gave them a huge collection of footage of which to take clips from and assemble them into stories. You may think that the plot of a show about survival is find food, drinking water, and shelter. Well, they did some of that, but not much. However it appears that they were only able to find a little bit of food, and went hungry until they started killing the electric eels, which is not what really happened.Rather than make a documentary about this project, they assembled clips to make little stories, such as Shane could not make any friends in his group, ( they started out divided into 4 groups ) He wound up alone in his own camp in a little shelter that couldn't keep the rain out, cold and alone and he prays to God and asks for help, the next day these 2 guys from another team come along and he joins their team and has 2 good friends. They are not afraid and I don't believe they were really naked. In post production they added hundreds of blurs, and there are SO many other things that suggest this show is not on the level, that I assume they must have something to hide ( it sure isn't large breasts ). This could be a good show if they had some competent people edit the footage and replace the narrator with voice overs from the naked people.
    alicedaglen My husband and I watch the show and we love how you create monsters out of the people who are participates. We always pick out the ones that we love to hate. The number 1 contestant that we loved to hate was Alana (we referred to her as 'Red").Laura, Luke, Chris, Eva, Alana and especially annoying Danielle we thought were real a**holes in the way that they treated Dani & Shane. They were not leaders. They teamed up on Dani & Shane & Honora and proved that they were a total waste of space, their egos got the better of them and it was really pathetic.Luke called himself a hippie when he was acting like a real jerk by following in Chris's ways, he was showing no love & he calls himself a counselor?What they did to Dani was unconscionable.
    stevejohnpeel The very last episode of Naked and Afraid season 2, brought the whole thing crashing down for me. I actually enjoyed the show before that. Watching a bunch of self-centered big-headed so called survivalists, fail and give up at the first feeling of pain or hardship, was real entertainment.But then came that last episode, redemption. And oh dear, I now not only hated the show, but I also seemed to harbor resentment for having watched all those episodes, only to be let down that way at the end.Yes, in my opinion, the people are looked after pretty well, the show doesn't want anyone to die after all. But really, most of them would have died in reality.But why do I relate the last shows to the new XL you ask? Well, the last show of season 2 of Naked and Afraid, the brought a one of the contestants back who lasted just a few days because of bugs, to redeem herself, and with the help of the show, they attempt to show that she does just that. But the show took us for fools as usual.The problem with this new show it, that they have brought people back from Naked and Afraid. Why?????? Why would they do such a thing after making such a mess of the last show. I can't believe it. Seriously, I actually tried to watch this first episode, thinking I was being a bit too harsh, but not, I wasn't being too harsh, I wasn't actually being harsh enough.Bad news on this new series, which could have been so much more.