Jon & Kate Plus 8
Jon & Kate Plus 8
TV-PG | 10 April 2007 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
    LouHomey From my favorite movies..
    Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
    Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
    Mady Claire This Show is amazing, IT IS NOT FAKE AT ALL. I love the whole family, and think the kids are adorable. All of you haters should stop hurting this family. Yes i do agree that the show was better when it first started due to people could relate, know i feel only the rich can. But i still think that Kate is doing a wonderful job taking care of the kids and Jon too. I don't think Kate is full of herself its her personality, i am the same way, GET OVER IT. Just because she is controlling and wants things her way is not a big deal. If Jon was so angry he could have stood up and said something. But anyways the kids are so cute and i love seeing them on the show. I wish the show was still going on, i miss the whole family dearly. This show was and still is my favorite and i wish the family the best of luck and great lives.
    Amanda T Jon and Kate Plus 8 is a reality show based around the lives of Jon and Kate Gosselin and their eight children, Cara, Mady, Alexis, Hannah, Aaden, Collin, Leah, and Joel. The shows wins points for being one of the few reality shows that actually isn't fake. Everything is shot in real time, and what you see is actually what is going on in their everyday lives. However, while the show is realism is a positive point, it also proves to be a negative point as well.The show has been on the air for four years, and in that time viewers have watched Kate Gosselin go from a loving mother to a greedy woman who does not show her children the love they deserve. While Kate was controlling in the first two seasons, she still showed her children that she cared for them. But, too many freebees have gone to Kate's head, and it is painfully obvious. Jon is less greedy then his wife, but it is still obvious that much of the things they receive from helpful sources is just a bad attempt at product placement. Many viewers have been driven away by Jon and Kate's greed. It seems that they will take anything as long as its free.On a lighter note, the true joy of the show are Jon and Kate's eight children. Each child shines in their own way.Cara is motherly towards the younger children, and is the athlete in the family.Mady tells it how it is. She is not afraid to show her family to tell her parents how she feels about something. While some may call this bratty, I call it spunk.Alexis is the loudest of the sextuplets, and is the biggest troublemaker of the bunch.Hannah is what Kate calls "the little mother." She is mature for a four year old, and actually helps fold laundry for her mother. But she also has an attitude of an eight year old.Aaden is the animal lover, and he is always pretending to be some animal of sort.Collin is the most stubborn of the six little children, yet he is helpful. Kate calls him her "helper boy." Leah is the smallest of the bunch, but don't let that fool you. She is a bundle of energy that is always running around and jumping off things.And last but not least you have Joel. He is the quietest of the tups, but he is also the cutest of the boys. It's is to hard to describe Joel in a few words so I'll just say he is interesting.Overall, the children are the reason the show is on the air, and it well worth the time to watch. You never know what to expect from these children, and each episode is a pleasure to watch so long as the children are the center of attention.
    winterbirch I thoroughly enjoy JON & KATE + 8. It's better than anything else on T.V.: educational and entertaining. Jon and Kate are excellent parents and the kids are darling. Kate is lovely and is so patient with the kids when disciplining them: she provides appropriate consequences without raising her voice. Jon is also a great husband and parent. Kate's teasing and interrupting Jon, however, is abusive and stymies communication. My mother's "playful" teasing wore down my dad. Maddie loves her mother and I think she is reacting to Kate's behavior, having to compete with her for her own identity. Jon's better at guiding the older girls. I just wanted to share this. I still love the show and am a faithful viewer.
    Mel J 'Jon and Kate Plus 8' has the honour of probably being one of the few decent, interesting reality shows on the box, and this is taking into consideration the sheer number of reality tat that is being churned out by television companies these days. The show centres around Jon and Kate Gosselin, who are parents to an incredible eight children (six-year-old twin girls Cara and Maddy, and three-year-old sextuplets Aiden, Collin, Joel, Alexis, Hannah and Leah).'Jon and Kate Plus 8' works because it offers a bird's eye view of everyday life with this huge family, warts and all. As for the kids, especially the twins, they are cute and endearing in their antics. That said, as the show progressed, it has become apparent that there is a tyrannical, controlling side to Kate, which can make it quite hard to watch her at times, especially when she expects the kids to act like little pristine robots instead of spontaneous children who are going to make noise and get messy. It will be interesting to see how this family fares over the years, as the children grow up and no doubt become less tolerant of being filmed twenty-four/seven (I feel the twins are already at this point and perhaps it's time to wind down on filming for the sake of allowing them normal school lives).Overall, this is a fairly good show that not only offers a slice of what life is like for the Gosselins' but also is an insight in American family life.