TV-14 | 27 July 2010 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Mjeteconer Just perfect...
    Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
    Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
    Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
    davidm-14 I've seen several seasons of this show now, and still do not understand what the heck it's all about. i'm always left shaking my head about why it's filmed and edited and directed the way it is. "artificial importance", would be my label for this's so unnecessarily self-important - from the need to plaster the logo on everything that isn't moving, to the overuse of adjectives - "fantastic tuna", "beautiful, majestic venison", "incredible chocolate cake". it's never been clear to me what the actual goal is, or the ultimate prize for the winner. you never hear from any of the winners again, apart from their single appearance on an episode addressing the new chefs. why is it like this? maybe it's our need as americans to have english people be rude to us (gordon ramsay and simon cowell, but also, that lady from "the weakest link"), but that's the downfall of the show to me. i won't be watching any longer.
    sjalkarjadottir First .. i thought i had written a review for this before .. but apparently not?Masterchef as well as Hells Kitchen are TOTAL guilty pleasures for me. I am fully aware how terribly aweful they are .. and i mean really, REALLY aweful in terms of cringeworthy or just pitiful.Then again, i kind of like 3 dudes shout at a "random" assortment of nobodies. But lets get to the details... Masterchef is - at its core - a VERY good concept .. but the network is too cowardly to really adhere to the idea and instead makes it a meaningless soap opera or worse .. a telenovela.The idea of professional cooks to judge homecooks on increasingly higher stakes and more difficult "challenges" .. great .. i would call that a winner .. and NOT a guilty pleasure if they actually did that.Sadly though the quality of the food and the skill of the contestants is obviously irrelevant compared to what can only be called "drama potential". That does not mean that the finalists are not good cooks ... but the judging becomes a fárce early on .. when it becomes just too blatant that they do not judge on the quality of the dish at all.The selection of characters to compete is usually interesting enough .. but follows typical focus group results. You get a sassy black woman, a bossy white male, a shy woman, a tough guy/girl, a very young and innocent girl and of course someone who causes the maximum drama by being antisocial or just a loudmouth with no filter. Now it is not even clear that this is actually the case, cause the episodes are edited in such a narrative .. but it does become old quckly.What is good about it?Aside from watching food ... there is a certain narrative of character progression. I caught myself being quite invested in start to around the end of the 3rd forth .. and then not caring much who actually won. The challenges are often quite nice .. but it would have been interesting to see how the contestants actually prepare for them, cause they certainly do not spontanously come up with their dishes .. so there must be a lot of learning in their spare time and interaction (something that might be interesting and that Hells Kitchen does show a little more of...)Well, but why a 9/10? that is an awefully high score i hear you exclaim!Yes, yes it is .. and it is also a totally biased one. I just have fun binge watching this garbage sometimes. I can switch my brain off and rant at the rediculous jingoism, the pitiful veneration of military and american values, the cartoonish drama and the godlike bossy chefs that hover over everything like saints, resolving everything with amazing authority and skill.So, its just fun .. mindless, stupid fun. Objectively it is terrible though ....
    rdduran-15821 I can't recommend this to anyone. It's just not good. It's all about food. People cooking food. People reviewing the food. Too much food. Food is food, who wants to watch a show about food? Ridiculous. Worst idea for a TV show ever. It's like wasting my time looking at my wife cooking dinner.
    Gabriel Lundmark I'm very fond of Ramsay's other shows. Gordon's Kitchen Nightmares, Hell's Kitchen, Gordon's Great Escape and more. There are several issues with this series, and the most significant is that it's US made. Rather inexplicably, all the US versions of said shows are edited in the same, very American and outright dreadful way. There is no difference between episodes or even the shows in that regard. The usual Hollywood narrator quickly gets tiring, there are only a handful of repetitive sound effects which applied to the same moments throughout the show - mostly to combatants' and the judges' reactions to comments and odd behavior. To make things worse, the reactions are also the same. The result watching it is very tiring, like a visual broken record. The cuts are quick and overly dramatic, as if I'm watching a blockbuster action flick. Obviously, I'm not and while some drama is to be expected, the blatant use quickly make the show ridiculous and I feel outright stupid watching poorly seasoned tartar and undercooked chicken in such a dramatic setting. It's so bad it's insulting.The storyboard is at it's heart not too bad, but it also suffers from repetitiveness. Most of the challenges are the same, albeit set in different environments. They are also linear and not very sporadic which make them predictable. Whenever there's a freestyle cooking challenge, I expect an elimination contest and subsequently a team challenge. Repeat. Masterchef US's storytelling is like Hell's Kitchen US's short menu - scallops or elimination contests, wellington for freestyle cookings and new york strip for team challenges. Really uncooked and lacking in imagination.The people are portrayed at a fault and their personalities eschewed to create characters that provide intrigues. Some participants are always arrogant, others always cry and some are never recognized by the trio of judges, making this editing going on really easy to spot when a contestant suddenly achieves great respect and skills out of nowhere. The focus of the show is clearly on intrigues when it should be on food and chef skills. In a sense, even the characters are repetitive.Product placement is also readily apparent. The camera pans across Global knives and Viking appliances, but the most disgusting instances are frequent occurrences where Graham Elliot pitches the apparently new Masterchef pans' non-sticky surfaces. I've seen it at least three times in season two. Same pitch, same lame response from contestants. It's brutal.I have a lot of issues with this show, but there's one more minor editing problem that just boggles my mind. All the contestants always finish their dishes exactly on the clock. In each competition, Ramsay counts down and they all put their plate on the workbench exactly when the clock stopped. Every. Single. Time! This is to shake things up for the viewer of course, but to think that we're that easily fooled is offensive, just like the rest of the editing problems. Masterchef ridicules itself even further by counting down the last 5 seconds visually on a large clock face to then stop at 00:00. Problem? The units are in minutes and there is no hand for seconds. It looks amusingly stupid.All the things mentioned above are reflective of each and every episode. Watching two or more in a row is painful. In fact, watching any US remake of Ramsay's program makes for the same experience because of the ubiquitous dreadful editing.To conclude, the saddest part is that Masterchef is a great concept, executed horribly. Watching unique people of all varieties cook great food to Ramsay's socially inept personality should be a winner for all food lovers. But alas, this show isn't.