MasterChef Junior
MasterChef Junior
TV-PG | 27 September 2013 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
    Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
    ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
    Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
    mickeymickey2682 There are SPOILERS in this review. To even entertain the notion that this wasn't a good show is laughable. It was a great show. To watch the determination of children competing for not only a reward but the satisfaction of making something worthy of 3 well known culinary faces. Although I can agree I was disappointed at the actions of Troy and because of them he should not have been advanced in the competition to the next round however he knew what he was doing but as a young teen he didn't handle it well.The key there was that when asked Sarah still thought and wanted Troy to win the competition. I enjoyed the genuine satisfaction and happiness on the faces of these kids, it made you want to root for them. I'm a teacher know several children between the ages of 8 and 15 who saw the show and wanted to learn how to cook. In an age where all children want to do is be on their tablets and video games, it is nice to see that cooking is an alternative worth considering.
    vsersch15 In the day and age we're in, facing a huge problem with bullying, I think last nights show was terrible. Troy bullied that little girl almost the whole time they were in the kitchen and he gets kudos for it. I know no one patted him on the back for it but the underlying message is that it's OK to have bullying, even in a working situation and it's NOT. Parents have a hard enough time trying to teach their kids the right way to treat people and last nights episode fell right through the cracks. I've worked in kitchens and that is just not acceptable! Kids have a hard enough time growing up as it is now. They are forced to be small adults before they're even ready too. To be accepting of that kind of behavior is wrong. There's enough bullying in school, on the playgrounds, and sadly in jobs to be allowing it to happen on a kids based show. I do agree that kids should learn; age appropriately, that there will be winners and losers and at some point you will be on each end of it. I do not however believe we should be promoting a winner as someone who treats people like Troy did, I don't care how good the kid cooks - teach the lessons parents are stressing to teach their children!!
    roarkstata I think MasterChef Junior is a wonderful show! The kids are absolutely amazing and talented! They are great cooks and are super adorable! It's so sad to see any of them go- they're all so amazing, even if they do have their flaws. After all, they are like 10 years old! I do think the judges are really easy on the kids and put on a super nice act for them because they are kids. I also see a bit of favoritism towards Alexander and Sarah but not a lot.I wish they would only eliminate 1 person per episode. I get that they don't want to single out just 1 person but it seems like the season is going by realllllllllly quickly. Maybe eliminate 2 people every other episode? Did anyone else notice how all of the contestants are from California, New York, or New Jersey?
    Bridgetwilliams2 What a shock the judges are showing favoritism. The kids knew Alexander was ready to go home Give me a break the cake looked awful and tasteless Please somebody tell me I'm not lying What going to happened if he is weak in another episode Does the judges overlooked again We must write more reviews about the last episode However, the kids are gifted and smart Some of those foods I know I can't prepare without reading a cookbook. I think the competition belongs to the adults cooks.. When I saw the show I almost wanted to delete the program from my regular recordings but I just love cooking shows and competitions. I decided to continue to keep it.