The Powers of Matthew Star
The Powers of Matthew Star
| 17 September 1982 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Protraph Lack of good storyline.
    Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
    Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
    Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
    gbcapp I did like this series better in the first half than the second, where secret agent stuff seemed to become the only thing Matthew and Walt did. Also, I can't believe Matthew became capable of transmuting objects, particularly into complex devices like a TV set or a telephone (as depicted in the opening credits). The hostiles didn't seem to keep coming, either. (And the series summary is incorrect by not being clear that the hostiles were not from Quadris, but somewhere else).I used to wonder why the hostiles didn't conquer Earth as well, but I think I understand why. Quadris appears to have been unified and peaceful, and therefore relatively trouble-free for conquerors. Earth is divided into numerous nations and probably was recognized as a place where the invading forces would get bogged down, even with superior technology.
    bkoganbing Poor Peter Barton what he went through to get this show on the air. I remember the stories about him being burned during the taping of this show and the whole thing had to be put on hiatus while he recovered. Then after the first season it was gone.Like Kalel from Krypton Barton was a refugee from the planet Quadris who comes to earth with powers and abilities far beyond any teenage kid around. He also comes as a teen not an infant and he didn't come alone. His protector and adviser like Mentor was to Billy Batson is Lou Gossett, Jr. and they establish identities as typical teen kid and the school science teacher.Our government is well aware of who they are and occasionally gets some unwilling missions from them. Otherwise he's dealing with the usual problems of a kid fitting in. Although with Barton's looks I doubt if getting girls was a problem. He did have Amy Steel whom he was constantly having to leave to do some mission. Sadly the show was not picked up for another season and that's a pity because it had a following. Had Matthew Star had a comic book following the way Superman did the show might have hung around a bit. Look how many incarnations of that franchise there've been on the big and small screen.
    jan-580 Hi from Holland.I watched some Matthew Star episodes when I was about 9 or 10 years old, but I never found video's of this great series.I remember some things of the program, but not many. All I know is that I was very interested.In Holland I still cannot find any video of Matthew Star, I hope someone is willing to send me a videotape of this series. I'm willing to pay for it.Please write me if you can help me.Jan
    chad Its hard to remember specifics about this show, but all i know is two things. I loved this show when i was younger, and NO ONE ELSE remembers it! Every sci fi geek I ask looks at me like i have two heads when i mention the name Matthew Star. My mother and I used to watch this show religiously. Te best visual i can remember from the show was in the opening sequence where Matthew is seen playing ping pong with himself. He uses his telekinesis to control the other paddle. If you really think of the competition this kid has for alternate teen sci fi heroes in the last 25 years, Matthew doesn't fare too badly. Up against Evie in Out of this World, Wesley Crusher in Next Generation and the fat kid from stand by me in My Secret Identity; my vote is for Matthew Star!
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