TV-PG | 06 October 1999 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
    VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
    Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
    AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
    lilasalovaara I happened to notice this show on Netflix for a long time ago and i thought that its cover looked interesting so i pressed to read more about it and the first thing i did was checking what the show's year was - actually, that is always strangely the first thing i do before even considering watching some serie. I feel like i don't trust a serie to be that good if it goes over year 2011. I don't know what it is. I kinda have some sort of thing for older series.Anyway, i started to watch the pilot and three more episodes of season 1 because everything seemed fascinating about it. Unfortunately i didn't get hooked up with it instantly, it took some time for me to get to that. Actually - a lot. I slowly watched more and more episodes and had the feeling that i shouldn't give up because this show had something so special in it and the characters seemed interesting. I just really felt it that this show definetily deserves a chance even though i wouldn't be yet very involved with it. I was right! Soon while being patient, i got drawn into it. Roswell has magic. Some weird magic. Season by season it just got better and more amazing. I find it cool how Tom Hanks's son Colin Hanks acts in it. I like Jason Behr in his role as Max. I also think Michael is funny. Plus, this show was Katherine Heigl's breakthrough! I even fell in love with the theme of this show. You can also find some really great songs from the show. I'm very happy that i gave this show a chance. It's just so magical in ways that it's hard to describe. I've watched tons of shows and to me this is the second best show i have ever laid eyes on! (The first one on my list is The OC) And trust me, the alien idea in this show works if you have any doubts. If you feel like you don't get drawed into it right away while watching it, be patient. Trust me, you will be thankful for what will come in this show. This is in many ways super interesting and exciting. It has love, drama and fantasy! Now, i'm not a fan of fantasy but this show is nothing like other fantasies. Trust me. I love couples in this and i love the brother bond that Max and Michael have. Max, Michael and Isabel are aliens. Liz, Alex and Maria are normal humans. Eventually they also get involved with alien stuff because they know the secret. Dangerous things happen in this serie because the secret has to be a secret! PLUS, the season 1 villain is super cool! His performance rocks!!! Worth of watching!
    SnoopyStyle Liz Parker (Shiri Appleby) and Maria DeLuca (Majandra Delfino) are teen best friends working as waitresses in a Roswell diner. Alex Whitman (Colin Hanks) is their geeky best friend. Liz dated Sheriff Jim Valenti (William Sadler)'s son Kyle (Nick Wechsler). A shooting leaves Liz mortally wounded. Max Evans (Jason Behr) saves her life with his touch. She discovers that he's an alien. He, his sister Isabel Evans (Katherine Heigl) and best friend Michael Guerin (Brendan Fehr) are all space aliens. They love Tabasco sauce and have special powers. The last few episodes of the first season sees the arrival of new student Tess Harding (Emilie de Ravin). The pilot is basically Twilight with aliens. A mysterious brooding boy miraculously rescues a girl. They find a deep unbreakable connection. It is teen girl catnip and it's such a great start. Maria is hilarious in the secondary relationship with Michael. Then the struggle begins. There is always a temptation to add more and more sci-fi conspiracy exposition to everything. It doesn't feel well thought out. The FBI stuff is already pushing to the limits but they had to pile on Native stuff. The conspiracy never stops. By the end of the first year, the show is running into problems of being too convoluted. It's not insurmountable but the second season doubles down on it. It becomes mostly about sci-fi mystery thriller. It piles on time travel, interstellar politics, superpowers, alien hunters and spaceship with crystals. The second season ends on life support. The third year is really just a throwaway season and not worth watching after losing a couple of the characters.
    rachie_gilbert97 This is one of the best programmes you could find. The moment I started to watch it I was hooked. t are brilliant, and even though it was sadly cancelled they finished the series off nicely. I strongly recommend it to everyone who loves sci-fi, romance and drama. ten out of ten. Its about a normal American teenage girl who is one day shot. A boy from her school (who is an alien) heels her with his powers. Later when she is suspicious and will not let the subject drop he tells her about himself, his sister and their friend being aliens but that is all they know. Throughout the series they try find out who they are and where they came from as well as trying to hide their secret from friend and foe alike.
    GoBATB The only reason I'm not giving a 10/10 is because it took me awhile to really get into it (longer than most shows). About 5 episodes in was when I really got hooked. Maybe it was the fact that this show is from the 90's or just the whole alien atmosphere of Roswell was kind of hard to get into at first.BUT MAN I tell ya! This is a really great show. I'm watching it on Netflix but I'm considering buying it on Amazon just because it's that good.Max and Liz's chemistry is so intense, like the best chemistry I have seen for a TV couple (other than VinCat in Beauty and the Beast). I may have zoomed through parts of the second season to get to the Maz/Liz scenes haha since most of that season was Max/Tess (that sucked). Seriously though, those two have good chemistry.Also, could Jason Behr be any hotter? In the beginning of season 1 I thought he was really nerdy and kind of greasy but by the time season 2 rolled around, DAMN.This show is great, mostly in the romance department but there's a lot else going on too. I tuned in for the romance but there's some action, lots of good relationships that build throughout the show (not just romantic relationships) and the character development really keeps you interested. Max from season 1 to Max in season 3 is like WHOA; looks wise, acting wise, character wise it's amazing. Really impressed with his performance.I really can't say enough about this show. I was VERY hesitant at first since it is old school from the 90's and about aliens but this show is so much more than that. Really glad I stuck with it after those first few episodes. Max and Liz FTW.