TV-14 | 16 September 1970 (USA)

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    Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
    Pluskylang Great Film overall
    FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
    Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
    Khun Kru Mark UFO and the awesome Ed Bishop held me captive on Saturday mornings as a kid... oh and so did the beautiful Gabrielle Drake, too! ;)Just like Star Trek, the stories were great, the drama was real and the effects were rubbish! Just like Star Trek, the actors and everyone else involved took the show seriously which is how it has lasted.It also helped the show by having unspectacular story lines in favor of real characters and good drama. No loose ends tied up to placate the viewers... just a solemn promise of more to come of the same the following week.Amazingly, this show never made it into the Rolling Stone's top 40 Sci-Fi programs... and rubbish like Buffy (which isn't Sci-Fi) did make it in! Which just goes to show that these top lists are either deliberately designed to provoke commentary or they're researched by monkey babies! I suspect the latter.UFO was a fantastic look at the future when the future was fashionable.
    Maddyclassicfilms UFO was a live action series created by Gerry Anderson and his wife Sylvia. The series ran from 1970-1973. The series stars Ed Bishop, George Sewell, Gabrielle Drake and Michael Billington.The Earth is under threat by Aliens who are abducting humans and harvesting their body parts. SHADO is a secret military organisation whose sole mission is to fight the Alien invaders and protect humanity. The SHADO headquarters are based underneath a film studio.The head of SHADO is Commander Ed Straker(Ed Bishop), his deputy and closest friend is Colonel Alec Freeman(George Sewell). Together these two are in charge of a team on Earth and of a team on their Moonbase. Up on Moonbase you have Lt. Gay Ellis(Gabrielle Drake)and her team of purple haired colleagues, why they have purple hair is never explained and is utterly bizarre. The Moonbase crew track incoming UFO's and warn the SHADO Earth base.Other team members include Colonel Paul Foster(Michael Billington), Colonel Virginia Lake(Wanda Ventham)and Captain Peter Carlin(Peter Gordeno).An episode called A Question of Priorities shows Straker faced with an impossible choice, does he use a SHADO craft to fetch medical supplies that can save his dying son? Or does he use it to help defend Earth against an incoming UFO? This is a very memorable episode and Bishop does such a good job of showing how this choice tears Straker apart.A very good series with a very catchy theme tune and memorable title sequence. Many of the episodes feature some quite dark content and creepy moments. I've never been a fan of Anderson's puppet series but I've recently seen this for the first time and love it. I wish it had lasted longer. I'm not a fan of remakes or reboots but I think a new series of this set now would work well.
    johngraham64 UFO is undoubtedly a slick and glossy show, ahead of it's time maybe - and unfortunately cancelled before it's time...OK so some of the episodes had flimsy plots - and some had plot holes large enough to swim Skydiver through - but I enjoyed it none-the-less.SHADO hides under the Harlington-Straker film studios. Ed Straker appears to head the studio - but it's all a cover. Passing the efficient Miss Ealand, Straker enters his office only for it to sink into the ground to SHADO proper. Personnel in incredibly tight jump suits patrol the corridors and control room. All to track and destroy invaders from outer space who are coming here to kidnap people for organ transplant (a nice plot device which seems to get lost along the way).Aided by submarines that have jet planes attached to the front, the Space Intruder Detector satellite, mobiles, lunar modules and the wonderfully-designed moonbase with it's interceptors and proper sci-fi-silver-suited personnel, the series is set up for some dramatic battles and intriguing story lines.Oh and the moonbase ladies have purple wigs on...Ed Bishop excels as Straker, ably supported by all the cast. Can I put in a vote here for Keith Alexander (playing Lt Ford)? He was used well in more than one story. And another vote for Delores Mantez (playing Nina Barry). The episode when she is stuck underwater with Straker is a real classic and gives one of the ladies (sans purple wig) more to do.My favourite episode has to be the one where Staker and Virginia Lake (Wanda Ventham looking superb!) find themselves stuck in time. I loved all the frozen things around the studio - and people. Cleverly filmed. Perhaps someone will explain what it was all about to me one day - but I love it.As a child I had a corgi or dinky or whatever die-cast moonbase interceptor that actually fired it's plastic missile at the touch of a button. Don't tell health and safety! Oh and I loved the UFO's themselves.Gerry and Sylvia Anderson's visions of the future were often stunning and beautifully realised through props (Straker's car with it's gull-wing doors), models (moonbase, interceptors, SID, Skydiver etc), fashion (purple wigs again!) and plausible story lines. This was another credit to them.Interceptors - immediate launch!!!
    karlfred In the early 70ies I saw it in B&W, but something that struck me firsthand was the main theme by Barry Gray: what an incredible music! Then there was all these "realistic" future production design: Ed Straker's turbine car, the fighter jet that was launched from a submarine (Sky Diver), the moonbase with these three girls (later I become aware that their hair was purple), and the space interceptors. Another very cool thing were the UFOs, they rotate making a very funny noise. When I buy the DVD collector set, after more than 35 years, I became aware that it was undoubtedly retro, but a very serious approach to a fictitious future environment. The SHADO (Supreme Headquarters Alien Defense Organization) sounds too much like SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force) and all those Cold War's codes and organizations. Highly recommend it for the Sci Fi fans.