TV-MA | 17 March 2017 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
    Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
    Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
    Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    pkpera Basically I liked it. Probably would not like that much if would read novel. I say it because I looked all reviews here. Changing the environment to deserted one seems for me as budget saving move. Although, it looks really awesome. Too bad no mentioning here about filming location. I think that acting is pretty much good, especially considering some silly actions in script. Station leader is just not convincing - because script and text, actor is fine. That drilling accident was too predictable and too much time went on it and medical intervention - I guess that 90% of viewers figured all it 5 minutes earlier, what will happen. And now we are at question - will it grow in serial or not ? I would like to see more, despite flaws and some already seen elements (Solaris factor for instance). Good Sci-Fi is really rare now. Why is it, would be the million dollar question. And yes, maybe that's the point - the millions involved in production, advertising. At moment nothing good in air (cables) - SyFy is completely lost. Orville S1 is over, it seems. Not much good Star Trek Discovery stopped after e9 - and that would be all what I know, what is worth to mention. Man, even 48 years ago in Eastern Block was almost better :-)
    Sandie Knapp I love a good Sci-Fi film or series, and they are really hard to come by these days, and I don't know why. This pilot was a REALLY GOOD Sci-Fi and I would love to see more.For me the pilot was too short, it definitely left me wanting more. The acting was excellent, the atmosphere was static, with the feeling that every time you blink something else is going to happen. I'm probably not very good at reviews, but I am sincerely hoping that this series will be picked up and at least given a chance.
    davetatz I am just giving it an automatic 10 because good solid sci-fi TV shows just aren't plentiful enough. Well, that and they don't last long. I won't bother rehashing too much. It was engrossing, and of course interesting. I got invested. Which is too bad...Which begins my rant.. It's too bad because it appears Amazon green lit some other shitty show in their "pilot season" and won't give this the go, despite undoubtedly having the most favorable response. The whole "we get to pick" promotion was completely garbage. They picked the cheapest show which had acceptable reviews. It wasn't really up to the viewers. I honestly wonder if they had any intention of giving this show an honest chance.Oh well....
    Khun Kru Mark (Review based on the pilot episode only.)There is so much wrong with this rubbish that it's hard to know just where to begin. Within ten minutes you'll want to start punching these feeble minded idiots in the face! Well, I did.Once again TV has a bash at making sci-fi and once again it's a bloody mess. A good looking teenage boy finds God when he meets his wife... God then kills his wife so he becomes a priest. With me so far? So the front cover of Male Fashion Monthly skips to another planet to escape wandering around the soup kitchens of a post-apocalyptic London.When he gets there, people are having hallucinations and dying at an alarming rate. Well, for the viewer it's alarming - nobody on the planet seems to even notice! Eventually, they DO notice and the new vicar- detective starts an investigation.There are drones from Best Buy but they have a blue light so you know they are from the future! The water is scarce so it's rationed and baby wipes are the order of the day... although there's enough water to do the laundry because everyone has spanking bright clean uniforms on even after a bloody operation in the makeshift hospital.The planet itself is a desert with a factory on it manned by talented ex- cons... the new hire is a dyslexic botanist who, in one day, manages to devise a whole new system for conserving water... there's an even sprinkling of races and genders so this bilge water can be sold worldwide... forced drama for no reason... a man cries because his horse died... and on it goes.Every attempt at tension fails. Nobody smiles and everyone struts about barking out orders and being miserable... that's the only bit of this crap-fest that I can associate with. I, too, would be as miserable as sin if I had to spend an eternity with this horrible collection of morons.So what is this about? It's a vicar detective in space... that's all you need to know!
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