American Horror Story
American Horror Story
TV-MA | 05 October 2011 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Micransix Crappy film
    Iseerphia All that we are seeing on the screen is happening with real people, real action sequences in the background, forcing the eye to watch as if we were there.
    Claire Dunne One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
    Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
    senn-51692 American horror story is a great if you're into this kind of horror, people that are into slasher movies/shows will probably not like this.Overall AHS has its low seasons and high seasons, every season is very different and that's why most people aren't into all the seasons. Overall probably the best thing about this show is the casting and acting. Sarah Paulson, Evan Peters, Jessica Lange and Kathy Bates for example are incredible actors/actresses that never disappoint in this show. I personally think its genius how Ryan Murphy managed to make every season very different from the ones before but still manages to connect all of them.My opinions on the seasons;1. Murder House: 7.5/10, Great season with some real scary things, not my favorite season, it had flaws but the casting was amazing. 2. Asylum: 9/10, Scariest season of all for sure, my kind of horror. You'd expect that a season that is mostly filmed in just one building would be kinda boring, but it sure wasn't. Incredibly great season 3. Coven: 8.5/10 probably the most hated season of the show, but why? I loved it. Sure, it wasn't that scary and it had flaws but the casting was perfect. Lange and Emma Roberts were both perfect for their roles. Evan Peters annoyed me though, his role with the whole love triangle with Madison and Zoe was stupid. Probably my favorite season although it wasnt scary at all. 4. Freak Show: 5.5/10 Doesn't compete with the other seasons to me, the casting was good but that was about it. Overall I kinda enjoyed it, I guess? The ending was disappointing although Lange left the series in a great way. The only character I really enjoyed was the villain. Not a great season, sorry. 5. Hotel: 6.5/10 Not a very beloved season by most, but to me it was watchable and I dont feel like I wasted my time watching it. The casting was okay, Lady Gaga did great job acting and definitely added a great touch to the season but apart from that it wasn't a really interesting season all around. A lot of blood and sex but not the best season of the show. Overall I would recommend watching it although most people aren't into it. 6: Roanoke 7/10 Finally another scary season. The season felt like a haunted-House horror movie but longer. Sarah Paulson did incredible as the "crazy, paranoid wife". A big plot twist in the middle of the season and it left me with some confusion but I sure did enjoy this season. 7. Cult 7/10 Before the season started I was really scared I wasn't gonne like this, politics, clowns and Evan as the villian, but after watching it I actually enjoyed it. The concept was alright to me and some episodes were just boring. Again, Sarah Paulson played the crazy wife but again, she portrayed it well. Her wife was very annoying and I hoped she'd die early on but she didn't. The "different" episode with Frances Conroy was incredibly boring and didnt feel needed but sure let's forget about it. Sarah did a perfect job and her character was great, excited to see more of her next season.I love this show and I'm definitely excited for season 8 (Radioactive) and season 9. I can understand why people dislike it but it just is your cup if tea or it isn't. Hope to see more of these horror shows in the future.
    quintosentialzachary Every time I reach for the remote and turn this on I am stunned by the one aspect of it that never fails to take my breath away. Stunning artwork. Majestic. But enough about me. The one overlooked, underapreciated aspect of this show ....what stops me from ending it all....Zachary .Quinto's. Eyebrows.Need I say more? watch this, if only for this reason.
    ryan-44110 Marked this as possible spoilers, just in case. I was pleased with Seasons 1, 2, 3, and 6. Very good scares, and average to above-par plots/writing. Seasons 4, 5, and 7 were awful, however. In particular, 7, mainly due to the ridiculous amount of political overtones. The first few episodes are nothing but negativity towards anything Trump, painting all Trump supporters as monsters, and racist bigots. Most of it is meant to set up a satire plot to bring to light all the inherently stupid accusations both left and right think of one another. This is not really the issue. We're shown an even amount of political cannibalism (eventually), but the one issue I have, that the producers and writers can't drop is their rise against the (imaginary) patriarchy. Even in season 6, the idiot girl who goes into the woods with her two friends mentions it. This leads me to believe that this is actually a point the writers are attempting to get across to the viewer, and not just framing more narrative for the show's topic at hand. This sort of divisive garbage hollywood keeps feeding us is exactly why I see no need to pay for cable tv, or watch movies in theaters anymore. I'm not subscribing to that garbage rhetoric, and neither should you.
    vincent_comeau I get that the 7th season tried to renew things with a political approach and could have been good except it wasnt. There is barely any story anymore, the reactions of the character are completely unbelievable, and farfetched, and the logic of things gets worst and worst.I do not mind the impossible, when done well, But this show doesnt even try to put logic behind things, i feel like it starts by trying really hard on gore , depravity and sexual themes, and the story is a second thought that they build around the gore. the seasons 1 and 2 were great, the 3rd great and bad at the same time, the 4th bad, the 5th good and bad, and then after that it just went really downhill.Sometime i found myself thinking, are the gay directions doing sex scene just so that they can get the nice looking young male actors to expose themselves? Because i find absolutely no use to the overbearing nudity and violence. It just seems to me that more and more they run out of idea and just try to milk as much gay sex and awkward overused violence as they can