Scream Queens
Scream Queens
TV-14 | 22 September 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
    VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
    Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
    Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
    invisibleunicornninja Watched episode one. The acting is so bad and the dialogue is so unrealistic I don't see how you could take this show seriously. It's jot funny or scary either, just annoying.
    gridoon2018 "Scream Queens" is one of the three 2015-2016 attempts to make a slasher TV series; the others are "Slasher" and "Scream". None of them are quite as good as 2009's "Harper's Island", at least in their first seasons, but they all have their strengths. If "Slasher" was the most serious one (95% horror, 5% comedy) and "Scream" was self-aware in the manner of the movies (50% horror, 50% comedy), "Scream Queens" is their most openly satirical, sometimes even cartoonish cousin (30% horror, 70% comedy). Its satire of the popularity-obsessed social-media culture is spot-on, even if after three-four episodes you may get the feeling that it keeps making the same satirical points over and over; it does get excessively talky (and pop-reference-heavy) on occasion. But it does have an intricate, labyrinthine plot which is tied up in a neat little bundle by the end of the first season. The casting is excellent (Emma Roberts is brilliantly sarcastic, Skylar Samuels is really beautiful, Bilie Lourd has a great deep voice, "Chad" the stud and "Denise" the security officer-cum-chief of police are very funny, etc.), and the soundtrack features a superb collection of classic pop hits. *** out of 4.
    Charles Herold (cherold) This horror parody mixes goofy, popular-girls comedy with slasher-style horror. And for a while, I really enjoyed this. But about two-thirds of the way through season one I began losing interest. Scream Queens is basically variations on one joke involving a costumed serial killer. Much of the humor involves the awfulness of the sorority and frat sisters and the various offbeat death scenes. The story is elaborate but the focus on comedy means the plot is too silly to be really compelling and the characters stupidity becomes repetitive.I watched all of season 1, although with less and less interest, and then watched one episode of season 2 just to see how they kept it going. Some new actors, a new killer, but basically the same joke. I give it a 7 because it was really quite enjoyable for over half of season 1, but I'm checking out now.
    rynesapphiresky The first episodes seemed to confuse me, I wasn't sure if it was due to the Over Dramatic personalities and ignorance of the characters. The humor is sick and twisted which is the "better" kind of TV Show. Once you get used to the irony and strange behavior it's actually pretty addicting. I love Emma Roberts in her psychopathic roles and this by far tops her American Horror Story: Coven performance. The amount of times I had to question my intelligence at some of the humor was worrying. The Story line leaves you wanting more and at the end of the season you can't help but think how Season 2 will be. I rate this excellent only because there aren't enough series like this out there with a complete and utter "crazy/Psycho" appeal. If Glee, Scary Movie and Scream had an offspring this would be it.