Orange Is the New Black
Orange Is the New Black
TV-MA | 11 July 2013 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    GamerTab That was an excellent one.
    Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
    Pluskylang Great Film overall
    Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
    kz-08675 Don't know how the writer from Weeds went from that to this. I'm trying to watch to see if anything interesting is going to happen. Waiting for 5 seasons. Nothing.
    pmpmn9 It was tiring to watch. This season contained more dysfunctional and maladaptive behaviour per episode than any previous one. It was like watching a cast of elementary school children in adult bodies. I lost track of how many times I thought, "grow up!" I found that I had a difficult time keeping track of all the characters, new and established, in the context of a new was disorienting and really shook things up. For that reason, I felt frustrated, irritated, and stressed throughout the season until more than halfway through the final episode, when things finally began to resolve. Mind you, I binge-watched (not recommended for this season). Spoilers: I felt that the only good parts were the early releases, the wedding, and an unrealistic, though serendipitous, turn of mood near the end of the season finale when people finally stepped off the disasterous path they were on. But there was also a predictable travesty of justice that reminds one of what a pile of inequity the world continues to be. The entire season built up to that moment and the way it went was one of the worst letdowns I've ever experienced in entertainment. We can only hope for a "hail Mary" next season. Honestly, I kept thinking I'd be over this show by the time this season ended, but of course, as usual, they left enough unresolved stories and unanswered questions to keep true fans coming back, if they do.
    SGSypult I have been a huge fan of the series from the beginning. I'm only through episode four and stopped watching. What happened to the writing? This season is abysmal. It is ridiculous, vulgar (beyond the usual vulgarity of the show) and completely lackluster. I would almost say, "boring" but I hope that when I watch the remaining episodes, I'll be more pleased. This is awful.
    peytonfredonson Yes you read that right. I'm a tv/ movie guru. I love finding a good show to watch. It makes life that more exciting. Well this show, is by far one of my all them favs. It's immpecable. It's characters are diverse, showing real life situations. It's creative in its story writing and you only end up going back for more. This show, I can confidentially say has helped me to go through some tough times in my life. As "stupid" as some people might call it, It allows me to gain some perspective and realise that maybe I'm not so alone in this big bad world. There were many times while I was in high school, when I turned to this show for comfort, instead of partying or hanging with friends. This was my escape. So I hold a personal connection with each character. I can't wait for season 6. :)
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