South of Nowhere
South of Nowhere
| 04 November 2005 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
    Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
    Cortechba Overrated
    Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
    Mira California Tom Lynch mentioned in one of the 'behind the scenes' clips, that he got the inspiration to start the show because one of his close friends, just had their son come out as gay. And so he started South of Nowhere which tells the tale of Spencer, who had just moved to LA, and Ashley - a presumed bisexual high school student.The short-lived television series managed to tell the story of Spashley from start to finish, while not just LBGT viewers, but everyone took away some sort life lesson. The show has helped me, and so many other people from the LGBT community feel normal, and feel like there are others like us, and it does get better. South of Nowhere took you through the step by step journey of the bi-curious high school girl, to coming out, and dealing with it after wards. South of Nowhere has succeeded in helping the lives of young teenagers who may not have it very easy. The coming out story of Spencer portrayed the cold, harsh reality of someone coming out to their friends and family members... And it was extremely accurate! Watching this show made me feel as if I wasn't alone out there and that eventually, with time, you will gain acceptance and people will realize that sexual orientation doesn't change you.South of Nowhere definitely deserves 10 stars, as short-lived as it was, it could not have done a better job at showing the reality of the 'pre-coming out, coming out and post-coming out' stages. I recommend this show to anyone, not only to those part of the LGBT community.
    countymd Ever since I have started to watch SON, I have hooked on this show. I love this show!! I have watched it again and again. The show talks about every major life issue in today's teens lives- sexual orientation, drugs, gangsters, violence, race, and most importantly, love and friendships. The 2 main characters, Gaby and Mandy, have GREAT chemistry, which holds up the show entirely and keeps me so interested for always wanting to watch more. They are sooooo cute together. It would have been great if they were a couple in real life. These two started off as friends then lovers, then they went thru a nasty break up, and then back together to face the future. These 2 actresses are so young and talented. They are AMAZING. The other supporting characters are quite good, too. I can not believe the show will be cancelled after season 3B. In today's TV shows, there are really not too many shows around and SON is really one of the few. I really wish the show can continue on for another season or 2. One always wonders what happens after Spencer gets into college and Ashley gets into the entertainment business. Can their relationship hold up against the challenges that life and society bring to them?? Now that will always be a question since the show will be cancelled.
    njwriterjs I didn't watch South of Nowhere from the very beginning, but while I was looking through channels I noticed South of Nowhere was on and it was the scene from Girls Guide to Dating when Ashley tells Spencer the girls guide to dating girls. I was very intrigued by both girls and thought they would be good in a relationship. South of Nowhere to me has gone further than the seven seasons of Degrassi with the story lines especially when it comes to sexual orientations, teen issues such as identity, homophobia, pregnancy, school shooting, etc. The-n canceling the show would be the biggest mistake on their part for letting Spashley fade when their story is far from over.
    wrankle Caveat--I'm gay, and I immensely enjoy watching a show where coming out is about going on dates with hot girls, not contemplating slitting your wrists. Really, because that's what it should be about. It's just as exciting/nervewracking for queer girls to discover girls as it is for straight girls to discover boys.That said, it's not exactly the best writing on TV. The acting's not bad--especially from the female lead and her will-they-won't-they best friend--but all the actors are done in the by the over-the-top dialog and unrealistic plot lines. Unlike Degrassi, I don't think I'd tune in without the gay plot line to keep me interested.On the other hand, the entire cast is made up of pretty/handsome young things a la the OC. And there's nothing wrong with a little eye candy.
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