The Lying Game
The Lying Game
TV-14 | 15 August 2011 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Pluskylang Great Film overall
    Freaktana A Major Disappointment
    Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
    Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
    jmgmasse Deception, withholding details, kidnapping (twice), and all those games high school students play against each other, over two generations. And then there is MURDER. TLG has some Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys aspects as viewers wait for the big Luke-I-am-your-father reveal as twins separated on day two of life reconnect with each other. And of course you cannot have a show about 17 year old twins with both twins going after the same guy. I have not been this interested in the twist and turns of a show since 24. I like the story lines most about the adults. Ted Mercer had to take his family away from Los Angeles back to Scotsdale, AZ but the reason has not yet been reveled. And everything else revolves around Ted's secret know only by his best friend Alec and the high school girl they tormented, Rebecca. Enjoy the ride. And remember, Texas forever (show is filmed in Austin)
    jakeangry1 I don't believe I am providing any spoilers with this but honestly I doubt it could spoil any worse than it already is. But just in case I've tagged this with the spoiler flag.For those of you who have never watched an episode of the Lying Game - prepare to be....bored. The entire show is based around a set of twins who were separated at birth by unfortunate circumstances. They grow up in completely different environments - one in foster care, the other by rich parents. By some means of event they are connected, determine they are related, and then decide to live as one another.And no one figures it out.That's right. No one. Best friends, parents, teachers, no one. Btw - the rich one is a total jerk to people. The foster child is humbled comparatively. And yet no one starts to question the overnight change in personality, clothing tastes, behavior, writing style, or academics. Things that completely stump adult spies with years of intensive training in counter intelligence and deep cover techniques somehow are overcome by adolescents with "a plan" to figure it all out.The Lying Game is terrible. The things that would totally tear apart their "game" are the exact things glossed over in the show. There is more to this than them simply living as one another but as a parent I'd know if my kid was suddenly someone different. This show relies heavily on anyone who should figure this out being completely oblivious.Had this some how been explained this show might be bearable.
    higgythepiggy I'd be pushing myself to say that this show is a ten but I'm so tired of seeing posts about how this show is nothing like the books. You know what? They sold the rights to make the show, deal with it! Gossip Girl & Pretty Little Liars did the same thing and just look how much those books differ from the books (from what I've heard and read). If it were like the books vertebrata then people would just buy the books. I personally haven't read the books so it is easy for me to say that.This is about the SHOW not the books.My problems with the show:1) Why did it take us so long to figure out what a "lying game" was and why isn't that more incorporated into the show? The mid-season just aired in the USA & we still really have no real clue to how that all ties into the story-line.2) As much as I'd love to love Alexandra Chando I'm having a hard time with her acting as Emma. I just don't believe it. I like her as Sutton though.3) We get it, the kids like to be romantic and it is all nice and beautiful. I really don't need that much. Cut the romance stuff, this coming from a girly girl.4) GIVE ME SOME BACK STORY! It is killing me! (However it is also keeping me tuned in. ;D)5) It reminds me of a soap-opera for women between the ages of 14-25. (Funny enough that is another reason I am tuned in. I like over the top. If it wasn't, then there really wouldn't be any story to tell and it wouldn't be as fun to watch.)What I personally like:1) Not going to lie, the only reason I stayed tuned in is because I saw "Ty" (Blair Redford) from "Switched at Birth" as Ethan. Yes, he's hot. Yes, he's a bad boy. I also have to give him credit where credit it earned, HE IS A GOOD ACTOR! Then I saw Alice Greczyn (Lincoln Heights), Kristen Prout (Kyle XY), Adrian Pasdar (HEROES!!!), Helen Slater (Gigantic) and Andy Buckley (The Office). I mean, come on! A cast like that had to have signed on to something good.2) Not going to like, I like the drama, the teenage-esque problems and the fashion.3) I honestly like the writing. To the person who said they wrote similar stories while they were in high school, then why don't you like the show? And if you had then you'd be a famous screen writer now wouldn't you? I like the cliff hangers. It makes me want to watch more.While my con list is longer than my pro list realize that aspects of the flaws are also some of my favorite things about the show. I say give the show a shot. Great acting, great writing and I can see things getting ironed out by the end of this season or by season two.10/19/2011
    kdl277 This show is great. It has a great story line and it keeps you wondering what is going to happen next. I really hope they do not cancel this show. I think it maybe just premiered at a weird time during the summer where people weren't on the lookout for new shows. Seriously everyone should catch up on it though. The acting from the main character it great. She really does a great job playing both roles and keeping there personalities different.I definitely think this show is the new pretty little liars! Definitely check this out!