TV-14 | 20 June 2005 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Titreenp SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
    StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
    Ortiz Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
    Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
    Me Roughley This show is worth watching if like me you love horses. I have always loved horses since I was a little girl, and for some reason most girls like horses at some point so I'm sure I'm not alone there. The acting in the show is decent, most shows like this have terrible acting so it was good to see it was actually decent in this. The idea behind the show is simple. In episode one a horse is rescued from certain death and they decide to keep it and every week there is more animal love with animals being saved or healed or rescued from cruelty or death or disease. It pulls at the heart strings but that is what the show is supposed to do obviously. There is a lot of romance in the show too. Definitely a chick flick type of show but it's worth watching.
    Alexey Semko I was translating this show for Russian TV. I found it absolutely primitive.. Most of the actors are completely untalented. Seems they've never taken acting technique lessons. They can only stare showing their sorrow and smile foolishly showing joy. The characters are flat. Dialogs are silly and senseless. Tons of 'okay', 'hey', 'yeah' and other language rubbish. When there's nothing to say ( and this happens rather often) the characters just foolishly sigh. Lots of sentimental scenes. Script writers don't have even a grain of imagination! The producers have wasted their money. For people who don't care what to watch. For those who prefer to see color spots on the screen. Waste of time.
    kouklitsa65 It is such an excellent TV series we are hoping to save it. I wish more TV series was like this and more family oriented. We can all pitch in and save this wonderful series and keep it going for as long as we can. Please take the time to help save it. Please go to http://www.savewildfire.com and help save wildfire from being canceled!! The site owner of http://www.genevievecortese.com/forum/index.php created that website to help and save wildfire. We can only hope that our voices will get heard and if we get enough viewers to watch this it can work and we have every right to to be heard and save this show. So join us and help save this TV series. We are all counting on each other to do so. Please check us out and make your comments and donations to help fight for wildfire. Please spread the word.As in the words of Nicole Tubiola (Dani) from an interview, "I think what keeps viewers tuning in to "Wildfire" is just the fact that it is a heart-warming story. It's something that everyone can relate to and there is something for everybody. I think that you can see yourself in at least one of the characters in our show. It's entertaining, we have love triangles, we have a little suspense every now and then. It's fun to see people sometimes do the wrong thing, as opposed to always having to be right. We have characters who are flawed and I think that's important. I think humans as a whole are flawed, I think that's why you can kind of see yourself in them."go rate, comment and vote to the following websites to help save wildfire: http://www.heynielsen.com/view/wildfire-TV-series/ and http://www.savethatshow.com/Save_That_Show__Wildfire.shtmlWe started the Hay movement. We will be sending Hay to ABCFamily. $6.50/bale so go to http://www.savewildfire.com/index.php?=donate and donate towards the shipment of Hay to ABCFamily. Join together for the Hay Movement
    mar7482 i got hooked to on this drama and liked the horse race segments. the acting was good and locations as well . really surprised me since the family channel does not have much otherwise. i missed the final episode aired on sept 16th, DID ANYONE TAPE IT?Or do you know how to get it online? email me at mar7482@comcast.net , thanks, i got hooked on this drama and liked the horse race segments, characters, and locations as well. really surprised me since the family channel does not have much otherwise. i missed the final episode aired on sept 16th , DID ANYONE TAPE IT? I would like to get a copy and would compensate you, or does anyone know how i can get it online? email me at mar7482@comcast.net, THANKS