The Hills
The Hills
TV-PG | 31 May 2006 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
    GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
    Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
    Yvonne Jodi Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
    sarahbbbyyy There is something about this show that is different from other reality shows and it's mostly negative things. I mean it's a fun show and all but let's keep it real. The women (mostly young girls) are the ones who watch this show. It is incredibly feminine and it is way too monotone for a guy to pay attention to unless he really wanted to. I don't know why they would want to though since the drama is also very high school and childish. A bunch of he said she said and girls screwing each other over and fighting over guys and boyfriend drama. None of them seem to have mature relationships and it seems more of the fault of the people who are producing this show. They are taking the reality out of it and creating a bunch of soapy material. You can also feel the scenes are being set up by the producers to start petty drama that probably wouldn't exist if they weren't on the show. Do people still tune it? Absolutely. It was actually pretty popular but it still would have benefited from being a little more realistic. There are all of these conflicts that can easily be resolved if you just stop speaking to those people. They are not still in school and they can easily avoid the people they don't like. This show obviously doesn't get that. It's not like the Real World or Jersey Shore where everyone is stuck in the house together and yet the same group of people hang out with one another. There is not much sight of other family members that some of these people are known for seeing all the time when the cameras are not around. There are also paparazzi around them 24/7 and them going into interviews and photo shoots but none of that is seen on the show since this show is trying to portray these girls as working jobs at places like Epic Studios and Teen Vogue where they are the ones who work behind the scenes for the famous people and are not famous themselves. This show doesn't display what we all know is that these girls get the royal treatment and get free designer stuff and get VIP to the Super Bowl and concerts and red carpet events. They are trying to portray them as normal everyday girls who just happen to be wealthy and have some connections to jobs that us watching don't get because we are not the 1% of the population and we don't live and can't afford Hollywood Hills homes.Overall, it is mostly fun due to the drama but then again, that's why so many young girls love it. Warning: It is filmed in such a dull way because it seems like there is more talk about drama and less action, yelling and fist fighting. These women look like they have so much self control because they seem to have fights in a calm and rational manner, totally unrealistic but it's okay.
    rr-alcaraz At first I am so disappointed buying THE HILLS TAPE because for the first episodes it's seems very boring and lame. I am not sure if THE HILLS is not boring or lame but I am into it,for some reasons i did not know.Yeah it is not addictive like Heroes or entertaining like Sex and the City.It can be scripted and MTV are just fooling us,but i think this one definitely worth my time.Lauren the lead character is getting beautiful everyday and her actuation are cute.Her character is interesting because she seems real(maybe that is why she got the role because reality or not she looks very real)and her style is amazing,the way she carries herself is very simple yet remarkable.The plot and subplots is not breaking the ice type but it is very light that you could almost relate to it. :)
    insomniac_rod I have to be extremely sincere here: I watched this thing only because I was passing channels quickly and I spotted extremely sexy girls like Audrina Partdrige, Heidi Montag, and Lauren Conrard. Do I know who they are? No.Do I care about their so called perfect lives and rich lifestyle? Nope. Do I really enjoy MTV? Nope. Do I like reality shows? Hell no!Why did I kept watching? Oh, only because those girls were wearing skimpy, sexy mini skirts. That's the idea of selling t.v. nowadays. Sex is the key to success. But as fast sex, the same happens to this show... what do I mean? Well, you watch it once maybe twice because of the girls and the necessity for cheap pleasure but after you realize it's mediocre entertainment, low quality, you decide to boot it like the trash it is.So, just consume it once and forget about it. Oh and Heidi Montag is a total babe. Physically she's perfect like a Barbie, and she seems to be very very naughty. Enough said.
    poohbearski So, all of America actually buys this dreck. They think that this is reality. Is it? I've lived in LA and it is NOT.But when this schlock is made and fed to American teenagers - they believe this.I cannot fathom how people find this entertaining. It is offensive in the sense that it numbs the brain - I saw 2 mins of this and yes, there are people this shallow, this dumb.After I saw this I felt compelled to warn America's youth that there is more to watch on TV. Better yet, go outside, kick a ball, play a sport, do something, just stop watching MTV.