The Hills
The Hills
TV-PG | 31 May 2006 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
    Ploydsge just watch it!
    Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
    Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
    tomoldfield The Hills explicates relationships between guys and girls through the framing of their physical/spacial relationships — relationships to each other and to the frame itself. You can understand what is going on in each of the scenes whether or not you've watched the work it comes from. I'm not joking when I say that the first season belongs on the list of the 100 greatest films of all time. The first episode is an absolute artistic masterpiece, and just in case you disagree, I'm going to walk your doubting mind through the steps. Remember: many of what are now considered the greatest films were laughed at (literally) when they premiered because people didn't understand the new visual language. The Hills is so, so, so sophisticated that it's gone completely over everyone's head. Now, I love hanging out with my friends too much to spend any time breaking the show down into shot-by-shot analysis, but I am going to write a series of posts exploring the show's meaning, its technique, and its characters. So go change into a bikini (if you're a girl) and get your surfboard ready (if you're a guy), put your sunglasses on, and get ready to get some hotness! The show is about something else that matters: about how the passage of time ravages us, revives us, and then ravages us again. So many of the show's most important moments of transition take place at the beach, and as the characters discuss their futures, the steadfast eye of the camera is always showing us waves tossing about and retreating — the most obvious of metaphors for the lives and loves of these characters who are experiencing change at a rate they've never experienced before. The title of the show itself is referring to this. The setting is the coastline, that never-constant boundary between land and water, between ourselves and the rest of the world.
    tyleer People need to ignore the bad reviews because this show really is the best. Everyone needs to watch this show! You will get hooked straight away. It is full of drama all the time.Yes so there has been many debates if it's scripted or not but really who cares! Just enjoy it.You really will get addicted to this show and fall in love with the characters... Or love to hate them (Spencer of course). It has a nice mixture of drama, bitchy, fall outs but also the humour. It's a great show about relationships and friendships.It's really nice watching a show about a nice group of friends. It's an easy to watch show.. Full of plenty of eye candy!
    mystic-writing I got into the Hills a few months ago, via the internet and seeing all of the episodes, and I am completely addicted to it. It's just funny seeing all the changes, the breakups, and the drama and wanting to scream at them because of their ridiculous decisions or be jealous of what a fantastic life they live. I do believe that some of it is fake but is generally based on their lives. I wouldn't be surprised that some things occurring on the show (promotions, tickets to big events) wouldn't happen if the cameras weren't rolling.Overall, the only way you could get into this show was if you watched it from the beginning. Then you see the real addiction you get from watching the drama, catfights, and lessons learned on The Hills.
    nomaddjs I was a little sceptical about "the hills" - a spin off from "laguna beach". However I (shamefully) find it extremely entertaining and many of my (male) friends do as well. Throw some hot girls, fit blokes, arguments and love into the mixer and you get a decent series to watch.Of course it's hard to believe this is meant to be "reality television" because the O.C. seemed more real than this, but don't frown upon it.Let's start off where it does lose a few stars: 1) First of all - characters as hot as they may be, unfortunately, I have found it extremely difficult to relate to any of them, where as in the O.C. different people had different characters to relate to.2) Then sometimes, there is too much drama, and sadly it becomes less enjoyable 3) Last but not least - acting (because that's what they are doing) is terrible, all they have to do is be themselves and throw in a few quirky lines - sadly we get random stares, awkward smiles oh and did I mention awkward smiles? Now here is where I think the show does gain a few stars: 1) Awesome soundtrack - it's MTV afterall!!! I have found 10s of songs I have loved by just watching the show 2) Lauren - she is just a likable, all-trusting character (even though it's hard to relate to her) she is very nice.3) Chemistry - I think Heidi, Lauren and Audrina are so different and yet seem so fitting as 3 friends.4) Brody - gotta love him, the dude says it as it is.5) Spencer - you need an antagonist and he is a worthy one.Overall verdict: 6/10 This concept is awesome, sadly it's a bit like marmite - you either love it or you hate it. Where the show loses out is certainly being called a "reality TV show". Even if all of that is "real" there is nothing real about these people - no real problems, no real feelings - it's a fake world. Nonetheless if you want to just relax in front of TV for 20 minutes - it's easy to get swallowed up by the world of rich American kids.