Big Brother
Big Brother
| 23 April 2001 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
    SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
    Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
    Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
    WakenPayne I have only seen one or two episodes of this utter garbage, but I feel based on that it is more than enough to review.Basically the premise is take a bunch of awful people and retards, place them in some house for three months and whoever comes out on top receives $250,000. No no no, no work or anything that would make people think "money well earned" it's just sitting around trying to boost ratings, all for the money.I will also say something right now, canceling this was the best move the 9 Network ever did. Nothing entertaining comes to ground, nothing that is in any way engaging (but that's just me). Just people sitting around talking and going through activities that make no sense.I have heard people ask what a meter is on this show. If they can't work that one out then this crap deserves to be canceled where it belongs.
    atomius If there was a 0 stars rating i would gladly hand it out to this absolutely horrid pile of waste. The fact that the actual summary is perfectly fine and that if it had been made different it could have been brilliant only makes it worse. The basic task of locking up a group of people in an experiment chamber is fine, but WHERES THE EXPERIMENT? All i see is a bunch of unintelligent surfers and blondes chatting about music and culture i don't know or want to know about... The challenges are pathetic and silly. The whole point of reality TV is to show REALITY. If you set a 'challenge' don't make them play with exaggerated props of food and stereotypical cultural elements in 'friday night games'. make them do an actual challenge. And as for 'earning' prize money, thats fine, if they actually earnt it! These people are nuts. If only they would make the show better, the actual idea would be glorious. But that ain't gonna happen!
    gut-6 A year or two ago I was channel-flipping late at night when, on channel 10, I stumbled across a static shot of people sleeping in a large, dimly-lit, dormitory. I lingered briefly, waiting to see which movie this rather dull establishing scene was from, but the shot just went on and on and on, with only the camera angle occasionally varying. Suddenly I realised that someone was pulling a prank, and clearly the prankster (God knows how he did it) was either overriding the channels normal transmission, or more likely, had snuck his way into the studio and was substituting this prank video for the normal program. I started laughing, and sat entranced by this brilliantly outrageous stunt, wondering when the station supervisors would notice this ratings-destroying prank, and envisioned the newspaper headlines the next day such as "Student Jams TV Station". Then after several minutes of this Warholian drivel, the station unexpectedly flipped to a commercial break. I figured that the station had discovered the prank. I was eagerly awaiting the apology for technical difficulties. Instead, after the break, the static dorm shot resumed, and I learned that this supposed student prank was actually the high-rating (!) program "Big Brother". This soul-destroying tedium WAS the program. You couldn't make up something like this. Given that this was late night filler, I checked out the prime time version with only the "highlights" included. It was just as excruciating, yet it rates well. This raises a terrifying question - just who are you freaks? What is the appeal of watching extremely ordinary people of no particular talent, accomplishment or attractiveness (indeed most are downright ugly) sitting around a lounge for hours doing precisely nothing except perhaps spouting inanities? I have read about retards who sit entranced happily playing with string for hours on end, or heroin addicts staring at their shoes all day, but watching this program is about ten levels beneath that. Lord help us.
    drwho_tardis Big Brother was and still is the coolest show ever. I dont get into the whole reality tv show thing but there was something about this one that i just really enjoyed. I was initially impressed by the publicity that they did and that inticed me to watch it. I really fell in love with the people (even Anita and Sharna!!!) and I still feel quite sad that the show has ended. Ben so deserved to win. I thought that Blair had it in the bag but I am immensely happy that a guy as terrific as Ben did win. He is so nice and friendly!!! I really want to audition for Big Brother 2 but I wont be old enough (I will probably not even be 17 when they hold the auditions). Oh well maybe Big Brother 4!(if there is one!)But I certainly cant wait until I WATCH Big Bro 2. They will probably be a bit more concious of the cameras but you never know what will happen with Big Brother! Gretel is very good choice for a host. Not only is she pretty but she also has a good sense of humour and can control an audience. The perfect host. I had no idea that New Zealand had a differant host?! Anyway, I will finish by sayin that big brother introduced us to some wonderful crazy characters that will remain in Autralias hearts forever!!!!! Go Big Brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!