Kate & Allie
Kate & Allie
| 19 March 1984 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Ameriatch One of the best films i have seen
    Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
    Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
    Marva-nova Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
    Godai-kun All of those who would like to see this series again should be aware that it is currently playing Monday through Friday on RTN: The Retro Television Netork. It's a small syndicated network a lot like TVLand. Most markets that have it are carrying it as a digital subfeed, so you will need a TV with a digital receiver or a digital converter box to see it. The network's website can be viewed at http://www.rtnville.comNote sure what else I can say to extend this to 10 lines, really. Just wanted to issue a "heads-up" since I see that there are some "Kate and Aliie" fans reading this site.
    nhfotofreak I love Kate & Allie but I really love Allison Smith. Not only as Jennie Lowell, but anything the girl does! I would really love to see Kate & Allie put back on the air so that I can enjoy more Allison! You gotta admit...she can not only sing but she's great all the way around! And the episodes where she sings...melt my heart! My favorite episode is where she sings "Goodbye To You" to Howard. Remember that one? She can sing to me anytime! And the one where Allie works for that TV station and Allison sings "Tomorrow" 150 times! Loved every last one! Laughed so hard and then fell apart when Allison started to sing. WOW! Anyway, just wanted to not only express my love for Kate & Allie but especially Allison Smith. Love ya, Allison! NHFOTOFREAK!
    NSurone KATE & ALLIE is one of the truly intellegent and mature sitcoms--an oxymoron?--on TV. As a New Yorker in love with my adopted city, I particularly appreciate the somewhat claustrophobic atmosphere of the program, especially in that cramped Greenwich Village apartment. Every week, the show would begin with a prolog with the characters actually filmed in the city. But most of all, I'm impressed with how Susan Saint James had matured as an actress. Her earlier TV characterizations as Peggy in THE NAME OF THE GAME and Sally in McMILLAN AND WIFE were of one-dimensional bimbos, but her portrayal of Kate McArdle is a well-rounded depiction, with shadings and nuances. She made Kate a real human being, one that could be seen any day in the subway or supermarket.
    Jarle I first stumbled across KATE & ALLIE back in 1988, when the series was being transmitted by our national broadcasting service. At first I didn´t find the premise all that promising - two divorced mothers and their respective offspring sharing an apartment and their lives in New York.I must have watched the initial episode at least 12 times before I decided to keep the recording.What made me change my mind? First of all, there were the sterling performances by most of the actors, Jane Curtin and Susan St. James in particular. Slowly I began to appreciate that this series was not only funny, it dealt with real, everyday issues in a non-preachy way.And finally - what REALLY convinced of me of the show´s high quality was the Queen of Deadpan herself, Jane Curtin. (So called by John Lithgow, her co-star in the current hit series "3RD ROCK FROM THE SUN, no less!) She can make even duff lines shine with her spot-on delivery.