Every Witch Way
Every Witch Way
TV-G | 01 January 2014 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
    Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
    Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
    Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
    catloveree I am aware of the many terrible ratings this show has received, but some of these reviewers just expect too much from a kids show. This show is targeted to young children, not adults who can only think to criticize the acting and the plot. To a nine year old girl, this show is enchanting and entertaining. Every bad review is thinking too much like an adult to see the fun in this show. You need to think like a young girl to see how this show can really awe that type of audience. Every adult watching this show, if you expect top-notch acting, an intriguing plot and an all around great show, that is not what you get. But if you were to show this show to a ten year old girl, she would most likely find it magical.
    mischievouslyradiant I love this show! My favorite season was the third.I see that a lot of people call this "the worst" and "so bad," but not to me. Wizards of Waverly Place will always be the best for me, but I really like this show too. I think that if the look was like that of WOWP, people wouldn't be complaining as much; the acting is not bad. If it was bad, the portrayal wouldn't be different than how the actors and actresses really are. Do you really think the way Emma behaves is how the actress behaves in real-life? Or the youngsters who portray The T3s? I think it's all just the look, and therefore the feel of EWW, that makes the difference.I feel disappointed about Daniel and Mia not remembering anymore, after Emma gives Daniel his wish. Why couldn't Emma use the spell she put on Andi and Diego, which let them remember Daniel in their life? I hope one or both make an appearance on Wits Academy.I love Maddie; she's like Sharpay from HSM. Her relationship with Diego changes her, and that's one of the best parts in the show.I love Daniel, and that's not just because he's cute. I hated Mia at first, as her attitude was cold and careless. But when Jax came along, I saw him as a better choice for Emma. When Mia stopped plotting revenge, I wanted Daniel to be with her.But why no memories for anyone but Emma and Andi? It's not an alternate reality anymore, was it? Couldn't Emma have granted Daniel's wish without removing everyone's (witches, wizards, kanays) memories?Other than that, this is one of my favorite shows.
    qiexia This is a bad show, but i have to single out Daniela Nieves as Andi. She's adorable and kills it every time; a diamond in this pig slop of a show. I'm actually watching this thing because of her.As bad as the other girls are, the guys are even worse. Blocks of wood all the way around.The writing is bad not only on a technical and creative level but on a common sense level too. Nobody does the obvious thing in any given situation. And the normal characters who aren't supposed to know about magic see utterly inexplicable stuff day in and day out and just go about their lives as if it never happened.
    trippaz12 Were the producers and creators high when they made this show? Seriously, where do I begin? The lighting is horrible, the jokes are forced, the plot is really boring, repetitive and cliché, and the actors are just plain dumb. This show just CONFIRMS how much Nickelodeon is hitting rock bottom. Blonde preppy mean girl? CHECK. Main girl who is oh-so nice? CHECK. Love interest of main girl who used to be the mean girl's boyfriend? CHECK. If I could give this show zero stars, believe me, I would. Because, honestly, I don't even think that this show deserves one star. I mean, I get that I'm not really the target audience(I'm 13), but I still think it's horrible. If you are ages 6-12 you will probably like this show. If you're any older, don't waste your time and energy. Seriously, this show makes me wanna gouge my own eyeballs out.