TV-14 | 28 March 2006 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
    CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
    Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
    Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
    ptbhbi I love dry humor and this is tops. Plus Sarah Alexander!!!!! British women are so lovely. In my opinion the shows draws on the relationship between students and teachers from the students point of what they think the teachers do. In either case the show is funny and the cast is perfect. Though we all recognize BUD!!! Kenny from the Cosby show. He has not outgrown his look. They include all of the typical, Hot teacher, Pretty teacher, and the rest. It is very hard to fill 10 lines on text. I like Sarah Alexander most. From there it goes to the brunette and then to the main character and then to the Principal chick.
    msiceman182 These writers are trying to re-create the characters they have on "scrubs" in a different occupation however the characters they are stuck with have no charisma or acting ability not to mention the writing seems poor and effortless. These guys are trying to create something that would be good if the writing wasn't so disgusting which is leaving the shows only lifeline to be two attractive teachers that that are barely keeping it alive. The humor in this show seems like it is trying to target an audience with an I.Q. of 40 or below. Another reason why this show is becoming a failure could be that the writing on the show "scrubs" is excellent and this show has to follow it up leaving the viewer in an odd position not knowing whether to cry or to just lose hope in new sitcoms all together. This is just my opinion but i think these guys should stop now before they humiliate themselves anymore than they have already.
    dlermajr2003 The previous reviewer may or may not have had a bad day, but that didn't matter. They were right in saying how terrible this show is. It is completely unoriginal and corny - but not the kind of corny that you laugh at. It's sad. The characters have terrible lines and the canned laughter is a bit much. On the other hand, the canned laughter seems to know when things really aren't that funny--because the laughter is weak. The only reason I saw the pilot was because they happened to show it on a Thursday night during "The Office" time slot. I set a timer to record the office, and instead I find this poor excuse for a show. I don't see this show getting better. I watched the second episode just to see if things would be better. Of course, I was even more disappointed. I would have to say that this is the worst comedy I have ever seen--if you can call it a comedy. I don't care if it cancels or not. I just hope that they never postpone "The Office" to show "Teachers" in it's place again.
    rawrockkills I just watched the pilot, and let me tell you, I never intend to watch this show again. Are TV viewers in general so stupid that they have to be told when to laugh? I swear, if I never hear another laugh track in any TV show, it'll be too soon. Of course, which is not to say I ever laughed anyway. In the pilot we had sexist jokes, racist jokes, and just generally dumb jokes. I miss the days when sitcoms weren't afraid to be smart instead of just giving us one-liner after one-liner after one-liner. Judging this show based on only a half-hour of viewing may be too harsh, but I don't care. Insipid dialogue, completely unlikable (and unbelievable) characters, and nothing resembling any real high school that I've been to make for one sad, sad effort. The one thing I will say in favor of this show is that Ms. Torres is a fox. But that alone is not nearly enough to save what should never have been given life in the first place. Someone on the message board posted the topic "Boston Public for idiots?" and I have to say I disagree. It's just TV for idiots.