Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn
Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn
TV-G | 13 September 2014 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
    Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
    Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
    Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
    Eric This show is an abomination to children's television. Kids are not dumb, they would know when something is funny, without the GOD AWFUL repetitive laugh track. Often, I'll find my younger siblings watching it, and even they admit that the show lacks any chance at being interesting. The whole show is just children acting unnaturally in situations, trying to be funny. Producers and script writers need to understand that a kids show isn't just throwing a bunch of poop jokes into thirty minutes, while having a stupid laugh track play after said jokes. A lot of children like other shows because A) There's an actual plot, B) It uses real-life problems, and C) The jokes are ACTUALLY funny. A good example of an amazing children's show is Gravity Falls. Although its about kids going after monsters and other threats, it's vastly entertaining. Overall, Nicky, Ricky, Dicky, and Dawn is complete garbage, and if you are going to let your kids watch a decent show, it should NOT be this one.And don't even get me started on the annoying parents in the show, with their bad actors. MY GOD.
    jessicalong-65525 My children will not be watching Nicky Ricky Dicky and Dawn anymore. I am completely disappointed with the liberal message you are trying to push on my children. The episode with building the wall to prevent ice dancing is liberal propaganda. We have watched for years and really liked the show not anymore. I will also be spreading the word on social media. I hope the show gets boycotted. You need to leave children programming out of politics. Maybe you should get new writers that can make the episodes on real lessons kids need to learn like kindness, cooperation, problem solving, fights with their best friends. This episode is in bad taste. This show use to be one I felt happy to watch and laugh with my children no more
    TheTrueLuigiFan I don't hate this show, it's really alright. The show is pretty cute and charming and for once has at least some sort of original premise. I like some of the plots, but the humor is just ehh. They usually revolve around butts and poop and uhh.. awkward. Speaking of awkward, this show has really awkward acting. The acting isn't terrible, but it certainly isn't good, especially Lizzy, her acting is some of the worst. It just seems as though the producers are lazy and don't wanna do retakes because hurr hurr hurr it takes time. I'm not sure if the bad acting is a charm to the show because it seems as though they are intentional, but from time to time, the characters seem as though they're trying. I could see them trying to do a satire on bad acting, but that's not what this show is, it actually has bad acting. The only actors I can name as good are the adults. The dialogue between characters can just feel sloppy and forced from time to time, the emotions are too. I do have some better ways to show dialogue, but not in this review, not in any review. The plots can be very predictable, but they're not bad. I just don't find this show good. I don't find it bad. It's pretty meh. It can be cute and charming, but I'm honestly confused to how I should feel towards this show; on one side it's sloppy and on the other it's charming.Overall: 6/10; lots of things to like and lots of things to dislikeWould I recommend it to people? Probably -- probably not. Maybe. Just maybe. You guys... I don't know. You can check it out and maybe you'll have a different reaction from me, but... I just don't know.
    puglover-18393 The acting is great, the lines are said well and can get a laugh from me! I really love dawns character (the oldest one).She's like this mix between tomboy/girlygirl. Dawn is going through the stage where she wants to fit in and be cool, and make friends. There is a consistent rivalry for the leader spot of the quads between her and Ricky. Ricky is the second oldest and the smart nerd type of the group. He seems to always be doing his homework or reading a book. He seems to be a bit of a goody goody but always seems to get in trouble with them. Dicky is the cool one of the group. He dosen't seem to care that much about school and seems to care more about girls. He cares a lot about the way he looks and is always trying to break the rules. Nicky is the youngest out of the group, and seems to be the likable character. He has a quirky personality and seems to be very comedic. The jokes are great and pretty funny and so is the acting,although the parents can get a little annoying at times (mostly the dad). All in all the show is a great family show and fun to watch! I think nickelodeon has finally got a hit show, that's not BORING to watch. I would so recommend this!